Recent IELTS Cue Card Questions

IELTS Speaking test has three sections and the second section is usually known Cue Card or Candidate Task Card. In this section, the examiner will give a task card on a particular topic and a test taker is expected to talk about 2-3 minutes. In addition, the candidate is given a minute to prepare his answer. Each cue card topic comes with 4 points/ questions that the candidate is expected to cover while speaking on the topic.

Some topics are quite comfortable to talk about while some might be tricky especially it is new for you. You cannot change the topic or ask for another one. Use your one-minute preparation time wisely. You will be given a pencil and paper to note down your ideas.

Here are some recent Cue Card topics to help you prepare for this test. Make notes on each topic and prepare 5-8 sentences to talk about. Also, practise taking notes as you would be doing in the original test.

The main section of our website has a lot more topics with model answers. Do not memorise those answers and always try to think about your own answers. The provided answers are meant to assist you, they should not be used as it is!!!

Browse all Cue Card topics from our website.

Recent Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card topics:


1. Describe a photograph you have taken yourself which you particularly like.

You should say:

what the picture shows
when you took it
why you took it

and explain why you particularly like this photograph.

Sample answer to this topic


2. Describe an activity you recently took part in.

You should say:

what activity it is
why you took part in it
how it was organised

and explain your feeling about this activity.

Sample answer to this topic


3. Talk about a stage/ part of your life that you enjoyed the most.

You should say:

what part it is
where you were then
what memorable things you did

and explain why this is the most enjoyable part/stage in your life.

Sample answer to this topic


4. Describe a time when you stayed far away from your home.

You should say:

when and where it was
how long you stayed there
why you stayed there and what you did there

and explain how you felt about staying far away from home.

Sample answer to this topic


5. Describe an interesting person you know.

You should say:

what sort of person s/he is
how you first met him/her
what s/he does for the living

and explain why you think this person is interesting.

Sample answer to this topic


6. Describe a skill you have learned that you think is very useful.

You should say:

what it is
where and when you learned it
how you use it

and explain why you think this skill is so useful.

Sample answer to this topic


7. Talk about a historical building in your country or city that you know.

You should say:

what and where is it?
when was it built? Why?
what is it known for?

and describe this historic building.

Sample answer to this topic


8. Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

where the market was
what the market sells
how big the market was

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.

Sample answer to this topic


9. Describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect.

Please say:

where you were on this day
what the weather was like on this day
what you did during the day

and explain why you thought the weather was perfect on this day.

Sample answer to this topic


10. Talk about a strong disagreement that you had with a friend.

You should say:

what it was about
who you had it with
how you resolved it

and explain what happened after the disagreement.

Sample answer to this topic


11. Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone.

You should say:

what it was
what you have done
why you have chosen this person

and give details of the project or work.

Sample answer to this topic


12. Describe a thing you bought, that you had to save money for.

You should say:

what it was
how long you saved money for it
what you felt when you bought it

and explain why did you want to buy it.

Sample answer to this topic


13. Describe a small company in your hometown that you think is successful.

You should say:

Why you think it is successful
How you know it
What they produce

and explain how you think it became successful.

Sample answer to this topic


Recent IELTS Cue card topic

14. Describe a special occasion in your life.

You should say:

what is it
where this occasion took place
when it occurred

and explain why it is special to you.

Sample answer to this topic


15. Describe what you usually do in your leisure time.

You should say:

what you do
who you do it with
where you do it

And explain why you like to spend your free time this way.

Sample answer to this topic


16. Describe your favourite photograph.

You should say:

where was the photo taken
who took the photo
what can be seen from the photo

and explain why it is your favourite photograph.

Sample answer to this topic


17. Describe a shopping centre you often visit.

You should say:

where it is
what are available there
why do you often go there

and explain why do you like this shopping centre.

Sample answer to this topic


18. Describe an indoor game you enjoyed playing in childhood.

You should say

what the game was
where you played it
who played this game with you

and explain why you enjoyed playing it.

Sample answer to this topic


19. Describe a time when the weather condition forced you to change your plan.

You should say:

when it was
how the weather condition was
what initial plan you had

and explain what you did once you changed your plan.

Sample answer to this topic


20. Describe a good law in your country.

You should say:

what it is
how you know about it
what people think about this law

and explain why you think that it is a good law.

Sample answer to this topic


21. Describe someone who is your online friend.

You should say:

who is he/she
how you know him/her
how long you two are friends

and explain how you two maintain the online friendship.

Sample answer to this topic


22. Describe a person who once moved to live with you.

You should say:

who was he/she
how long this person lived with you
why he/she moved to live with you

and explain how you felt about it.

Sample answer to this topic


23. Describe a creative person whom you admire.

You should say:

who this person is
how he/ she is creative
how you know him /her

and explain why you admire this person.

Sample answer to this topic


24. Describe an important day you celebrate in your country.

You should say:

what day it is
how you celebrate this day
how this is different from other celebrations

and explain why this is an important day to celebrate.

Sample answer to this topic


25. Describe a trip which was not up to your expectations.

You should say:

where you went
what you did
what happened

and explain why the trip was not up to your expectations.

Sample answer to this topic


26. Describe an app you use on your mobile phone.

You should say:

what it is
how you use it
what benefits you get from this app

and explain why this mobile app is important to you.

Sample answer to this topic


27. Describe a handcrafted item which you made yourself.

You should say:

what it was
how you made it
what you did with it

and explain how you felt about making it yourself.

Sample answer to this topic


28. Describe a story that was particularly interesting to you.

You should say:

what it is about
who told you this story
when you heard this story

and explain why this was an interesting story to you.

Sample answer to this topic


29. Describe a piece of local news that was interesting to you.

You should say:

what it was about
when you heard/ read about it
what the story was

and explain why it was interesting to you.

Sample answer to this topic


30. Describe a person whose job is important to the society.

You should say:

who this person is
what is his/her profession
how s/he helps others

and explain why the job this person has is important to the society.

Sample answer to this topic

20 thoughts on “Recent IELTS Cue Card Questions

  1. This sample or mock exam uplifts my confidence. Thank you for the wonderful mock test.

  2. Hi, everyone. It’s an amazing and fascinating website. It has been proven to me as recently I gave my IELTS exam. The easy and comprehensive cue cards helped me a lot. I prepared myself from this website and gotten 7 bands score in speaking and now I’m deliciously happy.

    • Excuse me. My IELTS exam is on 8th July. Can you tell me some tips, please? I need a speaking partner. Please please please, I really need your help. I am so confused. I can’t understand how to prepare.

  3. My IELTS test is on 30th March. How can I prepare for speaking test in two weeks? I’m still confused…

    • My exam is on 8th July. I am so confused. How do I prepare in just 12 days? Can you tell me some tips, please?

  4. Please send me new cue card topics of 2017, because my test is on 11th February.

  5. It’s very helpful for me… I’ve also learned some more ideas related to these cue cards… Thank you again.

  6. Thank you so much. I have just discovered your website and its so helpful. I am now confident of getting a high band score. THANKS A MILLION TIMES!

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