IELTS Essay – Television has destroyed communication between family and friends

IELTS Agreement/ Disagreement Essay

IELTS Essay Topic:  Television has destroyed communication between family and friends.

(My opinion: I disagree with this statement.)

1. People have the ability to regulate the hours they spend watching TV and the time spent with family and friends.
2. Televisions provide people topics and subjects to talk about with others.

Sample Answer:
The invention of television has given an incredible impact on people’s lives. People regard the television as a source of entertainment and learning information. Some people believe that apart from the benefits that the television provided, it has also destroyed communication among family and friends. However, I disagree with this argument. This is because lack of communication among people should be blamed on the individuals not the television. Moreover, television actually provides issues for people to talk about, and people began to understand each other better by watching each other’s favorite programs.

To begin with, individuals have more responsibility of the decreased amounts of conversations among family and friends than the television. Televisions only have the power to show programs on the screen to the watchers. It is the humans who can control whether to turn on or off the TV. This means that people have the ability to regulate the hours they spend watching TV and the time spent with family and friends. So if people feel that they do not have enough time to talk to their families and friends, they should blame themselves for not being able to manage their time watching TV. Thus, it is the individuals’ responsibility of not managing their time and losing the chance to talk with others.

Furthermore, televisions provide people topics and subjects to talk about with others. There are numerous TV programs covering different areas, including news, documentaries, soap operas and quiz shows and more. Each of these programs includes a specific topic or issue. By watching them, people will be able to think about their own opinions about the programs and discuss them with others. As a result, the number of conversations between people will increase due to the numerous topic provided by TV programs. For example, my friends and I watch the same soap opera called ’Sherlock’ which is broadcasted every week. At school we always talk about the episode of the show we watched and have long conversations about the main characters, the story plot and more. If it were not for the soap opera, my friends and I would not have had those intense conversations due to the lack of topics to talk about. Thus, watching TV provides people with issues and subjects to discuss about.

[Written by – Sungha ]

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