GT Reading Test 1 Section 2 - Clubs for Students & International Students House

GT Reading Mock Test 1:

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Part 2:

GT Reading Sample: Clubs for Students & International Students House

You are advised to spend 20 minutes on Questions 15-29.

Questions 15-21:

Look at the article 'Clubs for Students'. Which club would you contact for each of the requirements below? Write the appropriate letter A-G, in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet. You may use each letter more than once. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Example                                                                                   Answer
You wish to go swimming at 7 am every morning                  G

15. You would like to take Spanish classes.
16. You want to join a club that has international branches.
17. You would like an opportunity to speak in public.
18. You would like to take part in amateur theatrical productions.
19. You want to visit some famous sites with a group of other students.
20. You are interested in finding out about part-time work.
21. You want to meet some English people who have started their careers.


There are a variety of Clubs which provide social and cultural activities for those wishing to meet others with similar interests from the same or from different national backgrounds.

GT Reading Sample 2 - Clubs for Students

A. Commonwealth Trust
Organised discussion meetings, learned talks, cultural events, excursions to places of interest and invitations to major British diary events. Open to overseas visitors and students.

B. Charles Peguy Centre
French youth centre providing advice, support and information to young Europeans aged between 18-30. Facilities include an information and advice service regarding education, work placement and general welfare rights. Moreover, the centre holds a database of jobs, accommodation and au pair placements specifically in London. Members may use a fax machine, a copier and computers for CVs.

Hours - Monday: 14.00-17.00
Tuesday - Friday: 10.00-17.00
Membership: £35 per year, plus £5 per month.

C. Kensington Committee of Friendship for Overseas Students 
KCOF is the society for young people from all countries. Each month there are some 40 parties, discos, visits to theatres, concerts, walks and other gatherings where you will be able to meet lots of people. A new programme is sent each month directly to members (£5 to join in October, less later in the year). Events are free or at low often reduced prices. Office open 10.30-17.30 weekdays only.

D. Royal Overseas League
Open 365 days per year, this is a club with facilities in London and Edinburgh with restaurants, bars and accommodation. There are branches around the world and 57 reciprocal clubs worldwide. Quarterly magazine, literary lectures, annual music and art competitions, and summer and winter programme of events for members. Membership fees: overseas students, aged 17- 24, £47 per year + initial joining fee £23.50; for others £70 per year + initial joining fee £35 (half price after July). Further information from the Membership Secretary.

E. YMCA London Central
Facilities include photography, art, drama, pottery, language courses, badminton, squash, exercise to music, circuit training, sports clinic, fitness testing and other activities. Hours weekdays 07.00-22.30, weekends 10.00-21.00. Membership fees: aged 16-17, £25 per year plus attendance charge of £1.30 per visit; aged 18-19, £213 per year; aged 20- 25, £366 per year.

F. London Inter-Varsity Club (IVC)
IVC is an activity and social club with a varied range of events, from cycling and drama to windsurfing and yoga. Most members are young English professionals, but overseas visitors are welcome. The club arranges restaurant meals, dancing and parties, weekends away around Britain, plus a weekly club night in a Covent Garden bar. There are usually over 25 different events every week run by IVG members for IVC members. To find out more, telephone the club or write (Freepost) to the office.

G. Central Club
Provides accommodation and club facilities. No membership fee. Coffee shop open for all meals swimming pool (open 06.00), multigym, hairdressing salon.

Questions 22-29:

Read the article on International Students House and look at the statements below. In boxes 22-29 on your answer sheet write:

TRUE    if the statement is true
FALSE    if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN    if the information is not given in the passage

The first one has been done for you as an example.

Example                                                                       Answer
The club is for overseas students only.                          FALSE

22.  The club has long-term dormitory accommodation.
23.  Membership must be renewed monthly.
24.  The club provides subsidised restaurant meals.
25.  The club is open to non-members on Tuesday evenings.
26.  STA Travel helps finance the Students Adviser.
27.  The services of the Students Adviser are free to all club members.
28.  You must make an appointment to see the Students Adviser.
29.  There will be a surcharge for accommodation over the Christmas period.





International Students House is a unique club and accommodation centre for British and overseas students in London. It is located in the heart of London's West End and is close to all public transport facilities

» comfortable accommodation for up to 450 people in single, twin, 3/4 bedded and multi-bedded rooms.
» 44 self-contained flats for married students and families.
» long and short stays welcomed.

Club membership is open to all full-time students, professional trainees, student nurses and au pairs. Membership costs are kept to an absolute minimum to enable the widest possible access. You can join for as little as one month and for up to one year at a time. Membership entitles you to use the various facilities of the House. It has:

* restaurants
* student bars and coffee shop
* study rooms
* clubs and societies
* aerobics and fitness training
* discos, dance, jazz and cinema
* travel and excursions and much more!

The best way to check out all we have on offer is to drop in any Tuesday evening between 7.15 pm and 8.30 pm for Open House in the Club Room. This is an opportunity for you to meet the staff and other club members, enjoy a free cup of coffee and find out all about what's going on. You can take advantage of special membership offers. (Useful tip: bring along 3 passport-size photographs if you wish to take out membership.)

Thanks to the support of STA Travel and in association with LCOS (the London Conference on Overseas Students) International Students House now provides the service of an International Students Adviser. This new welfare service is open to all students at London's bona-fide academic institutions. It aims to provide welfare support to help students overcome any personal or practical difficulties they may be experiencing whilst studying in Britain. One of the key features of the Advice Service is that the Adviser can be seen during the evenings until about 8 pm, Monday to Thursday.

Unable to get home for Christmas? How about joining in the fun at International Students House? Check out our special programme of activity taking place over the Christmas period. Even come and stay - the House will be offering reduced accommodation rates for students wishing to spend a few days in London over Christmas. We'll also have an exciting New Year's Eve party so come and join us and ring in the new year in the spirit of internationalism.

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Monika Patel
I need more reading papers.
Do you have PDF versions?
You would like to take Spanish classes. The answer to question A is E, how?
Harzbinder Singh
E. YMCA London Central
Facilities include photography, art, drama, pottery, language courses, badminton, squash, exercise to music, circuit training, sports clinic, fitness testing and others...

Kalyan Sundar
Spanish class comes under language category.
Because it has language courses.
The answer to question 23 should be "not given" & 26 should be "not given" as it's not mentioned that they are helping financially too.
Vivek Bhanot
23. is false. "you can join for as little as one month and up to one year at a time."
It should be "Not Given" because it wasn't stated that it "should" be renewed monthly.
22.  The club has long-term dormitory accommodation.
Answer: TRUE, long and short stays welcomed.

23.  Membership must be renewed monthly.
Answer: False, you can join for as little as one month and for up to one year at a time.

24.  The club provides subsidised restaurant meals.
Answer: Not GIVEN, subsidied means:- पैसे में राहत, माली मदद.. something like relief in payment of electricity bill.. or income. And the author never talks about any discount related to the meal.

25.  The club is open to non-members on Tuesday evenings.
Answer: True, The best way to check out all we have on offer is to drop in any Tuesday evening between 7.15 pm and 8.30 pm for Open House in the Club Room. Enjoy a free cup of coffee and find out all about what's going on. 

Here the author said non-members can come and check out services.

26.  STA Travel helps finance the Students Adviser.
Answer: TRUE, Thanks to the support of STA Travel.

27.  The services of the Students Adviser are free to all club members.
Answer: Not Given, This new welfare service is open to all students.

28.  You must make an appointment to see the Students Adviser.
The answer is Not GIVEN: The author never talks about an appointment in ADVICE SERVICE paragraph.

29.  There will be a surcharge for accommodation over the Christmas period.
The answer is 'False'; because they don't raise the charge. "Surcharge" is an additional charge.

Vivek Bhanot
28. should be false. "One of the key features of the advice service is that the advisor can be seen during the evenings until about 8 pm, Monday to Thursday."
Peppa Pig
If a student opts to take monthly membership and then wishes to stay for several months (not necessarily a year), that would mean he/she should be renewing monthly. Isn't it?
Kunjal Brahmbhatt
STA Travel helps "finance" the Students Adviser.
Answer: TRUE; Thanks to the support of STA Travel.

It is written welfare support. Does it include finance? I think it might be "not given" as it is not mentioned what type of support do they provide.

It says, they can provide personal help. Financial difficulty is a kind of personal issue, hence "true" is the correct answer here, in my opinion.
Welfare can take a variety of forms, including monetary payments. Therefore ‘True’ is the correct answer for question 26.
23. 'Fales' is the correct answer. (You can join for as little as one month and for up to one year at a time)

26. You are right. It should be 'Not Given'.

Mahbub Khan
The answer to question 26 should be "Not Given". Support does not necessarily refer to financial aid. It can be technical, logistical or in other forms.
I feel the same way too. Financial support shouldn't be implied, it can come in other forms.
Andres Jimenez
(25) Should be FALSE. There is an OPEN HOUSE on Tuesdays evenings but this doesn't mean that the Club services are available. As a non-member I suppose I can go any day to get information, hence the club is open for Non-members not only on Tuesdays.
It clearly says that "The best way to check out all we have on offer is to drop in any Tuesday evening between 7.15 pm and 8.30 pm for Open House in the Club Room.", which means anyone can come to check the offer.
(23) should be N, because nothing is said about renew membership.
(25) should be F, because they said "this an opportunity for you to meet the staff and other club members" nothing is said to meet non-members.

23) It says " You can join for as little as one month and for up to one year at a time" which means it is not compulsory.

25) It also says "The best way to check out all we have on offer is to drop in any Tuesday evening between 7.15 pm and 8.30 pm for Open House in the Club Room" which means anyone can come to check the offer.

This is the joining process, not the renewal process. There is a difference.
Why is the answer to question 24 is "Not Given"? It should be "True" as per my understanding. Membership paragraph clearly says that membership costs are kept to an absolute minimum. And then they include restaurants in the facilities which points out that there is no extra charge to use restaurants. So I guess "absolute minimum" is the key here and the answer should be "True". Please help.
Dear Tanya,

Kindly check the word "subsidised". Do you know the meaning of it? Kindly check the meaning and then check again why it is 'Not Given'!

23. Membership must be renewed monthly. >> must be 'not given'.
Huy Duc Tran
Why the answer to question 29 is 'F'? It must be 'T' because the International students' house only reduces accommodation rates.
Tirta Yadi
That's why the answer is 'False' because they don't raise the charge. "Surcharge" is an additional charge.
False because the question is - "reduced" means lesser, which is stated is surcharge means additional. contradict or opposite?
Huy Duc Tran
I am Huy Duc Tran from Vietnam. I wanna explain clearly that I am here because I want to learn from everyone.
I do not understand why the answer to question 15 is "E"? This paragraph mentions nothing about "Spanish"!
Vivek Bhanot
Language courses include all the languages.
It's because 'YMCA London Central' provides language course.
Spanish falls on category 'E'. On the passage, language courses.
But it mentions 'language courses'.
"language courses"... I think this is your answer.
I do not understand why the answer to question 15 is "E"? This paragraph mentions nothing about "Spanish"!
See the writer mentions "language courses".
Hi,Thanks for explaining answers for Reading Test 1 Part 1. It has really helped me understand better.Please explain answers of GT Reading Test 1 Part 2 - Clubs for Students & International Students House as some of the answers seem confusing as the passage doesn't say so but your answer is True / False / NG!
I would like to know why the answer to question 18 is 'E' when drama comes in paragraph 'F' also?
In 'F', the overall context is implying that people are going out for dramas, whereas 'E' is giving a very strong message that the club holds activities which include 'dramas'. I hope now it's clear.
I think there is an implied distinction but it is not very clear. There is definitely some ambiguity if one doesn't know YMCA usually hold drama production activities.
How can we assume that support means finance?
Let's suppose a wealthy individual is financing (i.e. providing finance) to a deserving poor student for his college. It means that he is supporting that needy student for his education. I hope now it's clear.
That's what I've been trying to figure out. So confusing...
'surcharge': I got very surprised with this word. It is pretty new to me. I had some difficulties to figure it out about not given sentences and false ones. But the rest was fine. Thanks.
Aims to provide "welfare support".
It's sooo easy...
I really hate that these questions are so confusing...
Monika Patel
Hello, I really find difficult to understand the essays and answer the questions. Could you please help me?