Speaking Test - Part 1

IELTS Speaking Test has three parts part 1, part 2 and part 3.

In part 1 of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask 4-6 general questions on familiar topics. It is expected that the examiner will introduce him/herself first and ask your name and then ask you to confirm your identity.

The questions in this part include familiar topics such as home, family, friends, habits, work, studies and interests. Part 1 of the test will last 4 to 5 minutes.

It is customary that the examiner will ask your name first. He/she then will ask you to show your identity (passport in this case) and want to know what you do, where are you from and some basic conversation-starter questions.  

Some such common questions are given below:

Q. Good morning. My name is Katherin Hingis. Could I have your name, please?
Q. And your candidate number?
Q. Can I see your ID?
Q. Well, great. Where are you from?
Q. What do you do?

Some of the common topics and question that you can expect to encounter in your speaking test part 1 are given below for your preparation for the test. Answers to these questions vary from candidate to candidate and you are advised to think about possible answers to all these questions that would suit you the most.

Following is a list of possible topics that you should be ready to talk about in speaking part 1.

School/ Workplace
Hometown/ Living place
Home/ Accommodation
Family/ Friends / Colleagues
Clothes, Fashion & Jewellery
Daily routine
Daily activities
Food/ Cooking
Going out
Hobbies / Interests
Leisure time activity
Games / Sports
Future plan
Neighbours & Neighbourhood
Flowers & Plants
Magazines & TV
Transport/ Travelling
Interesting places

Internet & Technology (Telephone, Email, Social media etc)

Culture/ Tradition

IELTS Speaking Test - Part 1 - QUESTION SET: 1

Set 1    |    Set 2    |    Set 3    |    Set 4    |    Set 5    |    Set 6  |

Topic - Friends:

Q. Do you have many friends? [Why/Why not?]
Q. How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Tell me about your best friend at school.
Q. How friendly are you with your neighbours? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?]


Q. Do you have many friends? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: I have more than 10 friends and I am not sure if I should say this is many! However, I had more than 30 friends in my school days. With the passage of time, the number plummeted. If I count my Facebook friends as real friends, the number would go high!

Alternative Answer: I have a few close friends whom I consider my inner circle, but I wouldn't say that I have a large number of friends. I value quality over quantity when it comes to friendships. Developing meaningful connections and maintaining strong bonds requires time, trust, and mutual understanding. I prefer investing my energy in nurturing a few deep friendships rather than spreading myself thin across numerous acquaintances.

Q.  How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: I meet my friends almost twice a week. I love to spend my weekends with them and sometimes I visit different places, watch movies and discuss different topics with them. I do not go out with all of my friends. I mostly hang out with 2-3 close buddies and go out with them almost 3-4 times a month.

Alternative Answer: The frequency of my outings with friends varies depending on our schedules and commitments. On average, I try to meet up with my friends at least once or twice a month. However, there are times when our busy lives and responsibilities make it challenging to find a common time to get together. Nevertheless, I cherish the moments we do spend together, as they offer an opportunity to unwind, catch up on each other's lives, and strengthen our friendships.

Q.  Tell me about your best friend at school.
Answer: My best friend at school was John and he was a great friend. He was tall and brave. He taught me how to show courage when we are in trouble. He has had a great impact on my life. Though he lives in Australia now, we regularly communicate via Skype. I specifically liked him because he was more like a brother than a friend to me.

Alternative Answer: My best friend at school was named Sarah. We met in elementary school and instantly clicked. What made our bond special was our shared interests, values, and deep understanding of each other. Sarah was incredibly supportive, trustworthy, and always had my back. We would spend hours together studying, exploring new hobbies, and engaging in lively conversations. She had a great sense of humour and was someone I could always rely on for advice and a listening ear. Despite attending different colleges, we have managed to stay in touch and maintain our friendship throughout the years.

Q.  How friendly are you with your neighbours? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: I must say I am quite lucky to have good neighbours who are always supportive and well-behaved. I am quite close to them. We have been living in our neighbourhood for more than a decade and our neighbours have become our close relatives. We have a mutual understanding and an invisible bond that ties us together as good neighbours. I respect their opinion, privacy and try to step forward whenever they need me.  

Alternative Answer: I consider myself friendly with my neighbours. I believe in fostering a sense of community and being a good neighbour. I make an effort to greet them, engage in friendly conversations, and help out when needed. Building positive relationships with neighbours creates a supportive and safe environment where we can look out for one another. Whether it's keeping an eye on each other's homes during vacations or lending a helping hand, being friendly with neighbours enhances the overall neighbourhood experience and creates a sense of belonging.

Q.  Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?]
Answer: To be honest, family comes first. However, there are some friends who become our family members. The bond between family members is often stronger but this does not mean that we do not have friends who are less important in our life. Being with the family makes us who we really are and friends make our life worth living.

Alternative Answer: It's difficult for me to choose between friends and family as both hold immense significance in my life. Family provides a strong foundation of love, support, and shared history. They have been there for me through thick and thin, offering unconditional love and guidance. Family bonds are deeply rooted, and the connections forged with relatives can be lifelong. On the other hand, friends are the family we choose. They offer companionship, understanding, and a different perspective on life. Friends can become our support system outside of the familial realm and bring joy, laughter, and shared experiences. Ultimately, both friends and family play unique roles in my life, and I value and cherish the relationships I have with both.

Topic - People you study/work with:

Q. Who do you spend most time studying/working with? [Why?]
Q. What kinds of things do you study/work on with other people? [Why?]
Q. Are there times when you study/work better by yourself? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Is it important to like the people you study/work with? [Why/Why not?]

Q. Who do you spend most time studying/working with? [Why?]  
Answer: As a university student, I have a couple of classmates, who are also my friends, with whom I spend a considerable amount of time studying or discussing different topics related to our studies or assignments. If I have to single out a person among them, I would say I spend the most time with “Jessica”, who is a very close friend of mine, and a very brilliant student.

Alternative Answer: I work in a software company in our country, and I often have to work with a number of colleagues on different projects and requirements. However, I believe I work most with two of my colleagues, who happen to be also from my university, as we are often in the same team working on the same projects.

Q. What kinds of things do you study/work on with other people? [Why?]
Answer: My major is Business Studies, and I often find myself studying or discussing accounting, banking, technology, finance, management and computer applications-related topics or assignments with the people I study with. If we have important assignments, which are quite frequent, we also discuss how we can approach and prepare to get a good grade.

Alternative Answer: As a software developer, almost always I work in a team. My work nature is such that I have to constantly interact with a group of people ranging from the clients to the project manager, from teammates, subordinates, the design team, the marketing team to the testing team. I work with the clients to understand the project requirements. With other teams and project managers, I mostly discuss the progress of the projects or do formal meetings about the projects. With the testing team, I collaborate in order to solve bugs or improve a feature.

Q. Are there times when you study/work better by yourself? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: I think most of us would agree that group studies are better for understanding comparatively complex topics and it also helps us share our ideas. However, there are some instances, at least this is what my experience has taught me, when we tend to do better if we study all by ourselves. For instance, if I need to write an essay, read a chapter of a book that requires utmost attention, solve a math problem, or do some online research for a small project, I prefer working alone to being in a group of several people. I would like to share my ideas or get reviews on the work I do in such situations, but when it comes to jotting down my thoughts or thinking with rapt attention, I think working solo is sometimes the best option.

Alternative Answer: Well, before starting working on a project, I need to discuss and collaborate with several people. But when it comes to actually writing codes for the software or application, I prefer to work all by myself. However, during this work, I often need to supervise my subordinates and interact with seniors. I think I prefer writing code in a silent environment without the intervention of others because this way, I can pay absolute attention and produce great outputs.

Q. Is it important to like the people you study/work with? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, it is absolutely important to like the people we study with. Students, most of the time, if not always, create a friendly bond with others they study with. So if they do not like each other, chances are that the group would not sustain in the long run and produce very poor output. As for me, the students who I study with are my dear friends, and this friendship has begun after we started studying together.

Alternative Answer: In my opinion, it is quite important to like and respect the people we work with. Without having a work environment where we have friendly and helpful colleagues, we cannot go on for long. In fact, we spend a significant amount of our day-time in our workplace, so it is imperative that we are surrounded by the people we like to work with and respect each other.


Topic - Names:

Q. Did your parents choose your name(s)?
Q. How did your parents choose your name(s)?
Q. Does your name have any special meaning?
Q. Is your name common or unusual in your country?
Q. If you could change your name, would you? [Why/Why not?]

Q.  Did your parents choose your name(s)?
Answer:  Yes, my parents selected my name. When I was born, my parents wanted me to have a great name, at least to them. I have heard from my mother that my father brought a baby-name-book even before I was born. So the credit of my name solely goes to them.

Alternative Answer: Yes, my parents chose my name. They believed that selecting a name for their child was an important decision and wanted to give me a name that held meaning and significance to them.

Q.  How did your parents choose your name(s)?
Answer:  I learned that they were inspired by a name they found in the book and they took the surname from my grandfather. Thus they combined the name and selected it for me. However, this was the final step they went through to pick my name. As far as I know, they had to choose from hundreds of names and spend considerable hours to finally become satisfied with the name.

Alternative Answer: My parents chose my name after considering various factors. They took inspiration from family traditions, cultural influences, and personal preferences. They wanted a name that had a pleasant sound, was easy to pronounce, and had a positive meaning.

Q.  Does your name have any special meaning?
Answer:  My name is very special to me as it is to my parents. The first part of my name, Clyde, came from the name of a river, more specifically it is a Scottish river. The river was close to the location where I was born and I believe my parents wanted me to be as big as a river! The second part of my name, which is Entriken', is the family name of a famous ancient dynasty from Great Britain.

Alternative Answer: Yes, my name does have a special meaning. It holds cultural and symbolic significance. The specific meaning of my name represents qualities such as strength, wisdom, or beauty, which my parents wished for me to embody throughout my life. It is a meaningful reminder of their hopes and aspirations for me.

Q.  Is your name common or unusual in your country?
Answer:  Statistically speaking, this is not a very common name. However, from my experience, I can tell that I have personally met at least 10 others with the same name but with a different family name. 

Alternative Answer: In my country, my name is relatively common. While it is not the most common name, it is still familiar to many people. There are others who share the same name as me, but it is not so common that it loses its uniqueness.

Q.  If you could change your name, would you? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  My name is very special to me and I would never change it. For anyone, his/her name is quite unique and significantly important. I might take an alias someday if I need to ghost-write some articles, but changing my real name to something for the sake of modernism or style, is something I will never accept.  

Alternative Answer: Personally, I would not change my name. I have grown accustomed to my name, and it has become an integral part of my identity. It carries sentimental value as it was given to me by my parents with care and consideration. Additionally, my name is associated with memories, experiences, and relationships, making it an essential part of who I am. Changing my name would mean altering a significant aspect of my identity, which I would not be comfortable dealing with.

Topic - Flowers and plants:

Q. Do you have a favourite flower or plant? [Why/Why not?]
Q. What kinds of flowers and plants grow near where you live? [Why/Why not?] 
Q. Is it important to you to have flowers and plants in your home? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Have you ever bought flowers for someone else? [Why/Why not?]

Q.  Do you have a favourite flower or plant? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I love flowers, and "dahlia" is my favourite flower, perhaps, because of their astonishing beauty and incredible colours. This flower comes in a variety of colours, perhaps, all the colours in a rainbow, and they are absolutely delightful to look at. My grandfather was an avid fan of this flower, and we had different dahlia in our garden. 

Alternative Answer: Yes, I do have a favourite flower. It's the rose. I find roses to be incredibly beautiful and elegant. Their vibrant colours and delicate petals are captivating. The fragrance of roses is also enchanting, and it adds a touch of romance to any setting. Overall, I appreciate the symbolism and aesthetic appeal of roses, which is why they are my favourite flower.

Q.  What kinds of flowers and plants grow near where you live? [Why/Why not?] 
Answer:  Our country is home to millions of plants and thousands of flowers. Rose, dahlia, tulip, lotus, daisy, bellflower, sunflower, marigold, calendula, lily, camellia, and jasmine are some of the most common and beautiful flowers that could be found in and around the area where I live. Among the plants, I can recall royal palm, rose apple, Indian shots, and many other decorative and flower plants in the gardens. 

Alternative Answer: Where I live, there is a wide variety of flowers and plants that grow. We have lush gardens and parks filled with colourful blooms such as tulips, daisies, sunflowers, and lavender. Additionally, we have plants like palm trees, jasmine, and hibiscus. The climate and geographical location of my area are conducive to the growth of diverse flora, which adds beauty to the surroundings.

Q.  Is it important to you to have flowers and plants in your home? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I am not a passionate gardener like my grandfather, but still, I believe that a house without some plants and flowers looks empty. And yes, having plants - both flowers and other kinds, is an absolute necessity not only for aesthetic reasons but also for environmental reasons.  

Alternative Answer: Yes, it is important to me to have flowers and plants in my home. They bring a sense of freshness, vitality, and tranquillity to the living space. Plants not only enhance the aesthetics but also contribute to cleaner air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Moreover, taking care of plants and witnessing their growth can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, promoting a sense of responsibility and nurturing.

Q.  Have you ever bought flowers for someone else? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I have bought flowers and flower-made bouquets many many times on different occasions. A few weeks ago, one of my cousins graduated from college and I bought some flowers while visiting their house. I also try to bring flowers whenever I visit someone on their wedding anniversary or visit a sick relative or friend at the hospital. I believe, flowers are quite suitable gifts on such occasions and convey the very best of wishes and are meant to bring good luck.

Alternative Answer: Yes, I have bought flowers for someone else on several occasions. I believe flowers make a thoughtful and heartfelt gift that can express various emotions. Whether it's to convey love, appreciation, congratulations, or sympathy, flowers have a universal appeal. They have a way of brightening up someone's day and bringing a smile to their face. So, I have often chosen flowers as a way to show my affection and care for others.


Topic - Food and cooking:

Q. What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?]
Q. Who normally does the cooking in your home?
Q. Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?]
Q. In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?]

Q.  What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?]
Answer:  I prefer homemade food and am a fan of my mother's recipe. She is an amazing cook and I always enjoy her cooking. Whenever we go to a restaurant, we like to order Chinese menus. Apart from that, I like buttered popcorn, pizza, Indian Masala dosa, Mexican Tacos, doughnuts and sandwiches - a mixture of many foreign food items actually.

Alternative Answer: I enjoy eating a variety of foods, but if I had to choose, I would say that I particularly enjoy eating Asian cuisine. The flavours, spices, and ingredients used in Asian dishes create a unique and delicious taste that I find very appealing. I appreciate the balance of sweet, sour, spicy, and savoury flavours that are often present in Asian dishes. Moreover, the diversity of Asian cuisine offers a wide range of options, from aromatic curries to stir-fried noodles, which keeps the dining experience interesting and enjoyable.

Q.  Who normally does the cooking in your home?
Answer:  My mother does the cooking in our house and as I have said, she is a magnificent cook. I often compliment her and inspire her to start a restaurant in the city and she always laughs hearing this. Sometimes, my elder sister Emma assists my mother in the kitchen. I, on the contrary, am in charge of the grocery and daily shopping.

Alternative Answer: In my home, cooking responsibilities are shared among family members. My parents and I take turns preparing meals based on our availability and preferences. It's a collaborative effort, and we all contribute to creating delicious and wholesome meals. We enjoy experimenting with different recipes and techniques, and cooking together also provides an opportunity for quality time and bonding.

Q.  Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  Not much, I would say. I am not a big fan of TV programmes and mostly watch movies on my laptop. Once in a while, I watch programmes related to travel and cooking and 'Hell's Kitchen', 'Iron Chef' and 30 'Minute Meals' are my favourites.

Alternative Answer: Yes, I do watch cookery programmes on TV. I find them both informative and entertaining. Cookery programmes offer valuable insights into culinary techniques, recipe ideas, and innovative cooking methods. They inspire me to try new recipes and experiment with flavours in my own kitchen. Additionally, watching these programmes is a great way to relax and unwind, especially when I can learn something new while enjoying the artistry of cooking.

Q.  In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?]
Answer:  I like to eat at home. Homemade food has better food value and offers a wide range of choices. It is more hygienic and less expensive. However, we like to eat at a restaurant whenever we have special occasions to celebrate. As dining out in a restaurant offers my mom plenty of time to socialise rather than getting stuck in the kitchen, my father and I often insist her to go to an eatery on occasions like wedding anniversaries and birthdays.

Alternative Answer: While I appreciate the convenience and social aspect of dining out, I generally prefer eating at home. Eating at home allows me to have control over the ingredients, portion sizes, and cooking methods used in preparing meals. I enjoy the process of selecting fresh ingredients, cooking from scratch, and savouring the flavours of homemade dishes. Moreover, eating at home provides a comfortable and relaxed environment, allowing me to fully enjoy the meal and have quality time with my family.


Topic - Photographs:

Q. What type of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]
Q. What do you do with the photos you take?
Q. When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Do you like people taking photos of you? [Why/Why not?]

Q.  What type of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I often experiment with my camera and mobile phone camera and that's why I like to take a wide range of photos that include nature, people, gift items, sky, river, flowers and so on.

However, I am inclined to take photos of people. Some of the best photos that I took were taken in unknown places where people posed for my camera. Their genuine smile, sad expressions and sometimes bewilderment make the photograph worth cherishing.

Alternative Answer: I enjoy taking a variety of photos, but I particularly like capturing landscapes and nature scenes. I find that nature has a way of mesmerizing me, and I love trying to capture its beauty through photography. Whether it's a stunning sunset, a serene forest, or a vibrant flower, I find joy in preserving these moments through my camera lens. Additionally, nature photography allows me to connect with the environment and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.

Q.  What do you do with the photos you take?
Answer: After I take around 20-30 photographs on my camera or my mobile phone, I connect it to my laptop and sort out the best clicks. Then I name those phones according to the theme and prepare those to upload to my Flickr account. Flickr is a great photo storing and sharing website owned by Yahoo! and it offers enormous storage space. Sometimes, I share a few pictures with my friends on Facebook and Instagram. I usually print a photo if I want to gift it to someone or frame it.

Alternative Answer: Once I take photos, I usually store them on my computer or upload them to a cloud storage platform for safekeeping. I also like to organize and categorize them based on themes or locations. Furthermore, I enjoy sharing my photos with friends and family on social media platforms or through personal albums. Some of my favourite shots may also find their way into frames or photo books, allowing me to display and cherish those memories in a tangible form.

Q.  When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I used to buy postcards whenever I visited a new place with my parents in my childhood. Perhaps I did so to bring souvenirs of the places I had been to. But with the increasing use of the smartphone and cameras, we can now take our own pictures and videos, and frame them to our digital storage. In this age of technological advancement, we are more inclined to take pictures and videos and then share those with friends and family rather than purchasing souvenirs, especially postcards.

Alternative Answer: When I visit other places, I usually prefer to take my own photos rather than buy postcards. Taking my own photos allows me to capture the unique experiences and perspectives of the places I visit. It adds a personal touch to my memories and enables me to document my own journey. Moreover, taking photos allows me to express my creativity and perspective as I frame the scenes and subjects that resonate with me the most.

Q.  Do you like people taking photos of you? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  If someone asks me firsts and I feel like being captured in a photo, I do not mind. Otherwise, I do not prefer to be in a photograph, especially with less known or unknown people. I think this is a personal choice and I am not the type of person who likes taking selfies or self-photographs now and then.

Alternative Answer: It depends on the context and the people taking the photos. Generally, I don't mind people taking photos of me, especially during special occasions or memorable moments. I see it as a way to capture shared experiences and create lasting memories. However, I do appreciate it when people ask for permission before taking my photo and respect my boundaries. Ultimately, I believe that photography can be a beautiful way to preserve and celebrate moments, as long as it's done with mutual respect and consideration.


Topic- Bicycles:

Q. How popular are bicycles in your hometown? [Why?]
Q. How often do you ride a bicycle? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages? [Why/Why not?]
Q. What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car? [Why?]

Q. How popular are bicycles in your hometown? [Why?]
Answer:  Well, I would say bicycles are moderately popular in my hometown. It was widely used when I was a child and I have seen so many people using bicycles to reach their destinations. In fact, the majority of people used to ride bicycles to travel to and from their offices at that time. But, motorized vehicles have become more popular these days and this trend has decreased the prevalence of bicycles. However, It's a good sign that many young people these days are using bicycles.

Alternative Answer: Bicycles are quite popular in my hometown. It is a small and environmentally conscious city where cycling is actively encouraged. The city has developed a well-connected network of bicycle lanes and paths, making it safe and convenient for people to ride bicycles. Additionally, there is a growing awareness of the health and environmental benefits of cycling, which has contributed to its popularity. Many residents use bicycles as a means of transportation, especially for short distances or commuting to work or school.

Q.  How often do you ride a bicycle? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Honestly speaking, I scarcely ride a bicycle these days. Busy lifestyle, faster speed of motorized vehicles and our apathy to get involved in physical activities have forced us to use a bicycle less often. Once in a while, I ride a bicycle and that's primarily to have fun and not to travel. Personally, I more often use a car than a bicycle because the former is faster and more comfortable to ride in.

Alternative Answer: I ride a bicycle regularly, at least a few times a week. I find it to be an enjoyable and efficient way to incorporate exercise into my daily routine. I often use my bicycle for short errands, such as going to the grocery store or meeting friends in the neighbourhood. Cycling also allows me to appreciate the surroundings and enjoy the fresh air. However, there are times when I may not ride a bicycle, such as during unfavourable weather conditions or when I have to travel longer distances where other modes of transportation are more practical.

Q.  Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, I absolutely believe that bicycles are suitable for people of all age groups. Bicycles are cheap, have almost zero maintenance costs, and are good for the environment and for our health. Since it doesn't take much physical labour, children, youth and senior citizens alike can ride it without any hassle. The health benefits of riding a bicycle are unparalleled and that's why people from all age groups should consider this as their primary means of transportation.

Alternative Answer: Yes, I believe that bicycles are suitable for all ages. While children and teenagers may initially come to mind when thinking about cycling, bicycles can be enjoyed by people of all age groups. They offer a low-impact form of exercise that can be adjusted to different fitness levels. Older adults can benefit from cycling as it helps improve cardiovascular health, joint mobility, and overall fitness. Moreover, cycling provides a sense of independence, freedom, and enjoyment for people of all ages.

Q.  What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car? [Why?]
Answer: Bicycles have far more benefits than cars except for the fact that a car is faster. The most important advantage of riding a bicycle is that it keeps us healthy. Bicycles do not pollute the air and they are environment-friendly. They are cheap and require no costly maintenance or services. While cars take larger spaces to be parked into, bicycles do not. Considering the environmental consequences, bicycles could be a great replacement for motorised vehicles in our hometown.

Alternative Answer: There are several advantages of using a bicycle compared to a car. Firstly, bicycles are a more environmentally friendly mode of transportation as they produce zero emissions and contribute less to air pollution. Secondly, cycling helps promote physical fitness and is a great way to incorporate exercise into daily routines. It can improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and overall well-being. Additionally, bicycles are more cost-effective as they require minimal maintenance and do not incur expenses related to fuel, insurance, or parking. Furthermore, bicycles are often more convenient in urban areas with congested traffic, as they can navigate through narrow streets and bypass congestion.

Topic - Giving gifts:

Q. When do people give gifts or presents in your country?
Q. Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home? [Why/Why not?]
Q. When did you last receive a gift? [What was it?]
Q. Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? [Why/Why not?]

Q.  When do people give gifts or presents in your country?
Answer:  In my country, we mostly give gifts to others on a special day like a birthday, a wedding ceremony, and on an anniversary day. It's a widely followed custom to exchange gifts during the Christmas holidays. We often buy gifts for a classmate, colleague or teacher on their farewell days. Besides, we often buy candies for children and flowers for our relatives whenever we visit their house.

Alternative Answer: In my country, people give gifts or presents on various occasions and festivals. Some common occasions include birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, festivals such as Christmas or New Year, and special milestones like graduations or promotions. Giving gifts is seen as a gesture of appreciation, celebration, and showing care for the recipient.

Q.  Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  Yes, I most often buy a gift on such an occasion. I do it as it is a broadly followed convention in our country, and the idea of giving a host some sort of gift is exciting, especially when the host loves the gift. Besides, it's a token of appreciation and a good gesture as a guest.

Alternative Answer: Yes, I often take a gift when I visit someone's home. It is considered polite and a way to show gratitude and respect for the hospitality extended by the host. The gift can vary depending on the occasion and the relationship with the person. It could be something like a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, or a small token that reflects the recipient's interests. Taking a gift is a way to express my appreciation and contribute to the pleasant experience of being a guest.

Q.  When did you last receive a gift? [What was it?]
Answer:  Well, that's an interesting question and it reminds me of a gift that a close friend of mine gave me a few weeks ago. Maria went to Italy last November to visit her grandparents and after she returned, she gave me a perfume made in Italy. The 'Gucci Premiere Eau De Parfum' that she gave me was expensive and I really appreciate her gift.

Alternative Answer: The last gift I received was on my birthday a few months ago. My friends surprised me with a beautifully wrapped box, and inside it was a novel that I had been wanting to read for a long time. It was a thoughtful gift because my friends knew about my love for reading and made an effort to choose something that would resonate with my interests. I was genuinely touched by their gesture and felt grateful for their friendship.

Q.  Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, most of the time I love to browse different shops to find a suitable gift for someone I care for. Finding a suitable gift idea and then getting the item can be time-consuming, but it represents our care and love for the person we are presenting the gift. If the person likes the present, the time we spend to find it worth every second of it.

Alternative Answer: Yes, I do enjoy looking for gifts for people. I find it exciting and fulfilling to search for something that matches the recipient's preferences, interests, or needs. It allows me to show my thoughtfulness and care by selecting a gift that reflects their personality or brings them joy. It allows me to express my appreciation and strengthen my bond with the person. Additionally, the process of finding a suitable gift can be creative and enjoyable, as it involves exploring different options and considering what would make the person happy.


Topic - Games:

Q. What games are popular in your country? [Why?]
Q. Do you play any games? [Why/Why not?]
Q. How do people learn to play games in your country?
Q. Do you think it’s important for people to play games? [Why/Why not?]

Q.  What games are popular in your country? [Why?]
Answer:  People in my country are crazy about football. You will find most of the youths playing football in the evening. Among the indoor games, people love to play chess and cards most of the time. Finally, computer games are highly popular among the young generation.

Alternative Answer: In my country, various games are popular, both traditional and modern. Traditional games like cricket, football (soccer), kabaddi, and badminton have a significant following. These games have a long history and cultural significance in our society. Additionally, games like chess, carrom, and card games are also widely played. As for modern games, video games and online games have gained immense popularity among the younger generation due to their accessibility, technological advancements, and the ability to connect with players worldwide.

Q.  Do you play any games? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  Yes, I like to play badminton most of the time. Football was, and still is my favourite sports, but I can't manage time to practice football in the evening. I am a great fan of chess and I often visit a few of my friends who are also passionate about playing chess. Sometimes, a single chess match between me and my friend takes multiple days to finish!

Alternative Answer: Yes, I enjoy playing games, and football is my favourite outdoor game that I often play with my friends. I like to play chess a lot as well. I find them not only entertaining but also a great way to relax, have fun, and engage with others. Playing games allows me to challenge myself, stay fit, improve my problem-solving skills, and enhance my cognitive abilities. Whether it's board games with friends, outdoor sports, or video games, they provide a break from daily routines and offer an avenue for recreation and social interaction.

Q.  How do people learn to play games in your country?
Answer:  I think most of the people in my country learn to play different games in their childhood and their family, classmates and friends have a great role in teaching these games to them. Young children often mimic elders and play games that are popular in their area.

Those who are serious about sports or want to become professional sportsmen often get admitted to different training institutes to develop their skills.

Alternative Answer: The learning process for playing games in my country varies depending on the type of game. For traditional games like cricket or football, many people learn through informal settings such as playing with friends in local communities, parks, or schools. Sports clubs and academies also provide formal training for those interested in pursuing the games at a competitive level. For games like chess or card games, individuals often learn from family members, and friends, or through organized events and tournaments. With the rise of video games, many people learn through self-exploration, online tutorials, or by joining gaming communities where experienced players share their knowledge.

Q.  Do you think it’s important for people to play games? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  Yes, I do believe that sports and games are vital for a balanced life. Games are highly entertaining and beneficial for our health. Many games are helpful for children's physical and cognitive development. It also teaches them important skills like how to be a team member and develops their decision-making capabilities.

Alternative Answer: Yes, I believe it's important for people to play games and sports. Games provide numerous benefits for individuals of all ages. They promote physical fitness and overall well-being, encourage teamwork, enhance problem-solving and strategic thinking skills, and foster creativity and imagination. Games also offer a platform for social interaction, helping individuals build relationships, develop communication skills, and learn sportsmanship. Moreover, playing games can be a source of stress relief and enjoyment, allowing individuals to rejuvenate and have a break from their daily routines.

Topic - Telephoning:

Q. How often do you make telephone calls? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Who do you spend the most time talking to on the telephone? [Why?]
Q. When do you think you’ll next make a telephone call? [Why?]
Q. Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning? [Why/Why not?]

Q.  How often do you make telephone calls? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I do not use a landline that much except for some official purposes, but I use a mobile phone very extensively and daily.

I use the mobile phone to make or receive calls, send or receive text messages and sometimes to use the internet. I often play games on my mobile phone and listen to my favourite music. There is scarcely any day when I do not use it.

Alternative Answer: I make telephone calls quite regularly, although the frequency may vary depending on the circumstances. I find myself making calls when I need to communicate important or time-sensitive information, have lengthy conversations, or when it's more convenient than other forms of communication. However, with the advent of messaging apps and social media platforms, I have also started relying on text-based communication for shorter and more casual exchanges.

Q.  Who do you spend the most time talking to on the telephone? [Why?]
Answer:  I believe that would be my mom. She is very close to me and starts worrying if she does not hear from me for more than a few hours. She calls me a few times each day whenever I am out and I can tell her virtually anything. For these reasons, she is the person I spend the most time talking to on a telephone or on a mobile phone.

Alternative Answer: I spend the most time talking to my family and close friends on the telephone. These are the people with whom I have strong personal connections and often engage in meaningful conversations. Since we may not always be able to meet in person, telephone calls provide a convenient and immediate way to stay connected, share updates, and have heartfelt conversations. Furthermore, discussing personal matters or seeking advice feels more comfortable and intimate over the phone with people I trust and have a close bond with.

Q.  When do you think you’ll next make a telephone call? [Why?]
Answer:  I will call my mom after I leave the exam hall to let her know that I am fine and my exam went very well. I will call her as I am sure she is eagerly waiting to hear from me and to know how well I performed in the exam.

Alternative Answer: I believe I'll make my next telephone call later today when I need to discuss some work-related matters with a colleague. Since the issue at hand requires detailed explanations and back-and-forth communication, a phone call would be the most effective and efficient way to address it. Moreover, the direct conversation allows for better clarity and avoids potential misinterpretations that can arise from written messages or emails.

Q.  Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  Yes, sometimes sending a text message is more convenient and makes more sense than calling someone. For instance, if I'm in a meeting or in a crowded place, I would prefer SMS to phone calls. Moreover, if I need to send an address, a number or an email ID, I would rather send a text message than to call the intended recipient.

Alternative Answer: Yes, there are instances when I prefer to send a text message instead of making a phone call. Text messages are convenient for quick and concise communication, especially when the information exchanged is brief or requires minimal back-and-forth. It's also suitable when contacting someone who may be busy or in a situation where a phone call may be disruptive. Additionally, text messages provide a written record of the conversation, making it easier to refer back to specific details or instructions.


Topic - Your friends:

Q. Do you prefer to have one particular friend or a group of friends? [Why?]
Q. What do you like doing most with your friend(s)?
Q. Do you think it’s important to keep in contact with friends you knew as a child? [Why/Why not?]
Q. What makes a friend into a good friend?

Q.  Do you prefer to have one particular friend or a group of friends? [Why?]
Answer:  I think it's a tough question to answer. But I will try. Naturally, I would like to have a group of friends from my school, my neighbourhood and a few online friends but someone truly special would become my best friend. One particular friend, who I believe would be a truly great friend and completely reliable, is hard to find but will remain my buddy for a long time while many other friends would be for a short span of time.

Alternative Answer: I believe both having a particular friend and having a group of friends have their own merits. It's nice to have a close bond with one particular friend as it allows for deeper and more intimate conversations, sharing personal experiences, and having someone who truly understands you. On the other hand, being part of a group of friends brings a sense of belonging, diversity of perspectives, and the opportunity to engage in group activities and create lasting memories together. Ultimately, it depends on the individual and the dynamics of their relationships, as different friendships can fulfil different needs.

Q.  What do you like doing most with your friend(s)?
Answer:  I like to have conversations with my friends and hang out with them. I often play indoor and outdoor games with them. Since we can virtually say anything to our friends and do anything with them, we can be truly ourselves with our friends. I sometimes, prefer to travel to different cities with my friends, and I went to Milan a few months ago with two of my close buddies.

Alternative Answer: There are various activities I enjoy doing with my friends. One of my favourite things is simply spending quality time together, whether it's going out for meals, watching movies, taking walks, or engaging in hobbies we both enjoy. I also cherish engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing our thoughts, dreams, and experiences. Additionally, participating in fun and adventurous activities, such as travelling, hiking, or trying new things, strengthens the bond and creates memorable experiences.

Q.  Do you think it’s important to keep in contact with friends you knew as a child? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I think childhood friends are special in a sense. We make friends during this phase of life very innocently and without any expectations from them. Besides, childhood memories are truly special and our childhood friends are a part of these reminiscences. So keeping in touch with those buddies are important. However, from a practical point of view, having regular contact with all childhood friends is not possible as we lose contact with many of them as we grow older.

Alternative Answer: Yes, I believe it's important to maintain contact with friends I knew as a child, although it may not always be feasible due to various circumstances. Childhood friends hold a special place in our lives as they have witnessed our growth and shared formative experiences with us. Keeping in touch allows us to preserve those connections, reminisce about shared memories, and provide ongoing support and understanding. Additionally, childhood friends often have a unique understanding of our background and can provide a sense of familiarity and continuity in our lives.

Q.  What makes a friend into a good friend?
Answer:  I believe it takes time, common interests and a similar mentality to bring friends even closer. We make many friends in our life and some of them become close friends as they prove through their activities that we can trust them and share anything with them.

Alternative Answer: In my opinion, several qualities contribute to making a friend a good friend. Firstly, trust is essential. A good friend is someone who can be relied upon and keeps their word. They are honest and dependable, and maintain confidentiality. Empathy and understanding are also crucial. A good friend listens attentively, shows genuine concern for your well-being, and offers support during difficult times. Additionally, good communication, respect for boundaries, and the ability to have fun and enjoy each other's company are important aspects of a strong friendship.

Topic - Musical instruments:

Q. Which instrument do you like listening to the most? [Why?]
Q. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? [Which one?]
Q. Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument at school? [Why/Why not?]
Q. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher? [Why?]

Q.  Which instrument do you like listening to the most? [Why?]
Answer:  I mostly like the sound of a piano. The note that a piano produces is so delightful and melodious. It soothes the ear and refreshes my mind. The guitar is perhaps my second most preferred musical instrument and it is widely used with most of the music types.

Alternative Answer: I particularly enjoy listening to the violin. The violin has a beautiful and expressive sound that can evoke a wide range of emotions. It has a unique ability to convey both delicate and powerful melodies, and its versatility allows it to be a prominent instrument in various genres of music, such as classical, folk, and even contemporary styles. The way a skilled violinist can draw out such rich tones and convey profound emotions through their playing is truly captivating to me.

Q.  Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? [Which one?]
Answer:  I once tried to master the skills of playing the guitar. I even got admitted to a music school to learn to play the guitar but could not finish the whole course. I can play some basic tones and music on the guitar but I am not a skilled guitarist.

Alternative Answer: Yes, I have learned to play the piano. I started learning to play the piano when I was a child, and I continued my studies through my teenage years. The piano is a versatile instrument with a wide range of notes and expressive capabilities. It allows me to explore a vast repertoire of music, from classical compositions to contemporary pieces.

Q.  Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument at school? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I believe schools should have the facility for interested students who want to learn to sing and play a musical instrument, but it should not be forced on all. If a child at school feels passionate about learning it, he/she should be given the choice to do so.

Alternative Answer: Absolutely, I believe that learning to play a musical instrument at school can be highly beneficial for children. Music education offers numerous advantages, including cognitive development, improved coordination, and enhanced creativity. Learning an instrument also teaches discipline, perseverance, and the ability to work in a team if they participate in a school band or orchestra. Moreover, playing an instrument can serve as a means of self-expression and provide a source of joy and fulfilment throughout their lives.

Q.  How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher? [Why?]
Answer:  I think it was quite impossible in the pre-internet era. However, online courses and interactive video tutorials make it a bit easier to learn to play a musical instrument like a guitar or a drum without the direct supervision of a mentor these days. Nevertheless, having a teacher is tremendously beneficial as he/she inspires us to learn and can be a role model for mastering the skills of playing a musical instrument.

Alternative Answer: Learning to play an instrument without a teacher can be challenging, especially for beginners. While it's possible to find resources such as online tutorials or instructional books, having a knowledgeable teacher provides guidance, feedback, and personalized instruction that accelerates the learning process. A teacher can correct techniques, introduce proper practice methods, and offer tailored guidance based on the student's individual strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, a teacher can inspire and motivate students, helping them navigate through difficulties and explore different musical styles and techniques. While it's possible to learn independently to some extent, the guidance of a teacher greatly enhances the learning experience.


Topic - Summer:

Q. Is summer your favourite time of year? [Why/Why not?]
Q. What do you do in summer when the weather's very hot? [Why?]
Q. Do you go on holiday every summer? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Did you enjoy the summer holidays when you were at school? [Why/Why not?]

Q.  Is summer your favourite time of year? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  I like the summer season when it is not too hot, but I can not say that it is my favourite season because I like Autumn over any other season. During mild summer, which lasts for just a month or two, the weather is just perfect for outdoor activities and visiting beach areas. But the rest of the summer is too hot and too humid for my liking. In our country, the sun often shines mercilessly and the temperature reaches around 40 degree Celsius.

Alternative Answer: No, my favourite time of year is actually the mild winter season. I find the cooler temperatures and cosy atmosphere of winter more appealing to me. I enjoy activities such as wearing warm sweaters, drinking hot beverages, and spending time indoors with family and friends. The winter season has a certain charm that resonates with me more than the hot and humid weather of summer.

Q.  What do you do in summer when the weather's very hot? [Why?]
Answer:  I am extremely lucky that I own a house that has air coolers, and I work in an office that has a central air conditioner. I even have my own car. So I can mostly avoid the fierce hot weather and stay cool indoors. Sometimes when I go out without the comfort of the car, I can feel the heat and perspire profoundly. This is extremely annoying but this is the reality for millions of people in our country. During summer, I try to drink plenty of water and go out during the evening time after sunset to avoid direct sunlight. 

Alternative Answer: When the weather gets very hot in summer, I prefer to engage in activities that help me stay cool and refreshed. I often spend time near water bodies like swimming pools or beaches to beat the heat. I also enjoy indoor activities such as watching movies, reading books, or pursuing hobbies that can be done in the comfort of air-conditioned spaces. It's important for me to maintain a comfortable and enjoyable environment during the hot summer months.

Q.  Do you go on holiday every summer? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  Yes, I enjoy holidays during the summer season, when I get one or two weeks' leave from my office. I either choose a sea beach or a location near a river or a lake in summer to enjoy the view and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. 

Alternative Answer: It varies. While I do enjoy going on holidays, I don't necessarily go on a vacation every summer. Factors such as personal commitments, financial considerations, and availability of time off from work or studies play a role in determining whether I can go on a summer holiday or not. However, I do make it a point to take breaks and plan trips whenever circumstances allow, as I believe vacations are essential for relaxation, rejuvenation, and exploring new places.

Q.  Did you enjoy the summer holidays when you were at school? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:  During my school days, the summer seasons were not as hot and humid as they are today, or at least this is what I think now! So I was not too concerned about the extreme weather during summer seasons back then. And of course, I loved the summer holidays as it meant a long leave from school, visiting grandparents' house and doing fun activities with family and friends. Those were magical days. 

Alternative Answer: Yes, I did enjoy the summer holidays when I was at school. The summer break offered a much-needed respite from the routine of classes and exams. It provided me with an extended period of free time to engage in activities that I loved, such as spending time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, going on vacations, and exploring new interests. The summer holidays were a time of relaxation, adventure, and creating lasting memories, which made them highly enjoyable for me.


Topic - Clothes:

Q. Where do you buy most of your clothes? [Why?]
Q. How often do you buy new clothes for yourself? [Why?]
Q. How do you decide which clothes to buy? [Why?]
Q. Have the kinds of clothes you like changed in recent years? [Why?/Why not?]

Q.  Where do you buy most of your clothes? [Why?]
Answer:  I buy most of my clothes from a variety of places. I prefer to shop at both physical retail stores and online platforms. When I want to try on clothes and see how they fit before making a purchase, I enjoy browsing through different clothing stores in malls or shopping districts. On the other hand, online shopping offers convenience, a wider range of options, and the ability to compare prices and read customer reviews.

Alternative Answer: As a fashionable person who appreciates the latest trends and designer collections, I prefer to buy most of my clothes from brand shops. These brand shops offer a curated selection of high-quality clothing items that are often created by renowned designers. Shopping at brand shops allows me to stay updated with the latest fashion releases and ensures that I have access to exclusive collections and limited-edition pieces.

Q.  How often do you buy new clothes for yourself? [Why?]
Answer:  The frequency with which I buy new clothes varies depending on several factors. Generally, I tend to buy new clothes when my existing ones become worn out or no longer fit properly. Additionally, I may purchase clothes to suit different occasions or to follow the latest fashion trends. However, I am mindful of practising sustainable consumption and try not to indulge in excessive shopping.

Alternative Answer: Being a fashion-forward individual, I frequently buy new clothes to stay on top of the ever-changing fashion scene. I believe that fashion is a form of self-expression, and updating my wardrobe regularly allows me to showcase my personal style and creativity. I enjoy exploring new collections and trends, and I consider fashion as an ongoing journey of experimentation and self-discovery. By buying new clothes regularly, I can continually reinvent my look and feel confident in my appearance.

Q.  How do you decide which clothes to buy? [Why?]
Answer:  When deciding which clothes to buy, I consider a few factors. Firstly, I assess the quality and durability of the fabric and craftsmanship to ensure that the clothing item will last. Secondly, I consider comfort and fit, as I prioritize clothes that are comfortable to wear and flatter my body shape. Additionally, I take into account my personal style preferences and whether the item aligns with my overall wardrobe. Lastly, I consider the occasion or purpose for which I need the clothes, ensuring they are suitable for the intended use.

Alternative Answer: When deciding which clothes to buy, I prioritize the latest fashion trends, innovative designs, and the reputation of the brand. I pay attention to runway shows, fashion magazines, and style influencers to gain inspiration and insight into the current fashion landscape. I seek out unique and eye-catching pieces that reflect my fashion-forward mindset. Additionally, I consider the quality of the materials and the craftsmanship of the garments, as I value well-made and durable clothing that will stand the test of time.

Q.  Have the kinds of clothes you like changed in recent years? [Why?/Why not?]
Answer:  Yes, the kinds of clothes I like have changed to some extent in recent years. As fashion trends evolve and personal style develops, my preferences have shifted. I find myself gravitating towards more versatile and timeless pieces rather than fleeting trends. Comfort and sustainability have also become increasingly important factors for me when choosing clothes.

Alternative Answer: Yes, the kinds of clothes I like have changed in recent years as my fashion tastes have evolved and adapted to new trends. As a fashionable person, I am always on the lookout for fresh and innovative styles that push boundaries and challenge conventional fashion norms. I have become more experimental with my choices, embracing bold patterns, unique cuts, and unconventional silhouettes. Moreover, my preferences have shifted towards sustainable and eco-friendly fashion options, reflecting my growing awareness of the environmental impact of the industry. 

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Lishan Ahmed
Quite a useful website for IELTS.
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I'm going to join the IELTS exam. So I need to do some speaking practice. If someone needs to practice as well please type me on WhatsApp. We can be a speaking mate. My WhatsApp number is +905327351594. My score was 6 a few months ago, and now my target is 6.5-7.0 minimum.

Thanks - Adem.

Abdul Hamid
Are you available for practice? You can text me at aabdulhamid4888 @gmail.com
Saif Ur Rehman
Hi everyone, I've already registered for the IELTS exam on the 14th of July's test. But I have a big problem - which is to speak in English. Anyone who is interested in speaking with me, don't hesitate to get in touch with this WhatsApp number (03056886328).
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Hi everyone, I've already registered for the IELTS exam on 14th July. But I have a big problem - which is to speak in English. Anyone who is interested to speak with me, please contact this WhatsApp number (01859883675).
Muhammad Alamin Sarker
I recently appeared for an IELTS exam and didn't achieve the desired score. I am looking for a friend for the speaking module. My WhatsApp is +8801531397784 and my email is alaminsarker802 @gmail.com. Feel free to contact me as a preparation partner.
Excellent for me.
I am Naimul Hasan Mahi.
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Sraboner Meg Himaloy
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Pradeep Singh
Hello Friends,
I recently appeared for an IELTS exam and didn't achieve the desired band score. I am looking for a friend for the speaking module. We can help each other to flourish and score good bands. Please reach me on WhatsApp (+91-9891926919) or email (prdnarwat@gmai l.com).

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I am interested. Please contact me here.
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Hi everyone, I am from Bangladesh. I was admitted to an IELTS coaching centre one month ago. So I need a speaking partner for improving my speaking skills. If anyone wants to speak with me, please add me to your WhatsApp. It's my WhatsApp number (+001873213286).
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Hello, there. I am looking for a speaking partner for my IELTS. If anyone is interested in practising English speaking, please do contact me for partnership learning. My email: sanalhossen966@ gmail.com & WhatsApp is 01993400263.
Ajit Chaudhary
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Wilson Taderera
Get in touch. I am writing in April too. My email address is wilsonbreken3@yahoo.com.
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Ahmad Raza
Hey, I'm looking for a speaking partner here for a higher band score in IELTS. Anyone who is interested contact me at +923180181421.
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Hi bro, I am also preparing for the IELTS exam. So let's practice together for the speaking module. Comment here to connect.
Ahmad Hassan
Hey, it's Ahmad. I'm looking for a speaking partner in order to achieve higher bands in my IELTS and improve my speaking along with lexical resources. My email address is ahmad162554@gmail.com.
Saymul Islam Mahi
Hi, I am preparing for the IELTS speaking section.
Rainatu Adenike Lawal
I am going to take the IELTS exams, and I seriously need assistance for me to come out victorious!
Bickey Mahato
If you're interested, then let me know. I also want someone to get prepared for the IELTS speaking section. My email id is bickey166945@gmail.com.