GT Reading Test 53 Section 1 - Helping pupils to choose optional subjects & next Ripton Festival

Gneral Training Reading Mock Test 53:

Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3  |

Section 1:   Questions 1-14

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14, which are based on Reading Passages below.

Write answers to questions in boxes 1-14 on your answer sheet.

GT Reading Sample - "Helping pupils to choose optional subjects""It’s almost time for the next Ripton Festival!"

Read the text below and answer Questions 1-6.

Helping pupils to choose optional subjects when they’re aged 14-15: what some pupils say

A.  Krishnan
I’m studying Spanish, because it’s important to learn foreign languages – and I’m very pleased when I can watch a video in class and understand it . Mr Peckham really pushes us, and offers us extra assignments, to help us improve. That’s good for me, because otherwise I’d be quite lazy.

B.  Lucy
History is my favourite subject, and it’s fascinating to see how what we learn about the past is relevant to what’s going on in the world now. It’s made me understand much more about politics, for instance. My plan is to study history at university, and maybe go into the diplomatic service, so l can apply a knowledge of history.

C.  Mark
Thursdays are my favourite days, because that’s when we have computing. it’s the high spot of the week for me – I love learning how to program. I began when I was about eight, so when I started doing it at school, I didn’t think I’d have any problem with it, but I was quite wrong! When I leave school, I’m going into my family retail business, so sadly I can’t see myself becoming a programmer.

D.  Violeta
My parents both work in leisure and tourism, and they’ve always talked about their work a lot at home. I find it fascinating. I’m studying it at school, and the teacher is very knowledgeable, though I think we spend too much time listening to her: I’d like to meet more people working in the sector, and learn from their experience.

E.  Walid
I’ve always been keen on art, so I chose it as an optional subject, though I was afraid the lessons might be a bit dull. I needn’t have worried, though – our teacher gets us to do lots of fun things, so there’s no risk of getting bored. At the end of the year the class puts on an exhibition for the school, and I’m looking forward to showing some of my work to other people.

Questions 1-6
Look at the five comments about lessons, A– E, below.
For which comments are the following statements true?

Write the correct letter, A– E, in boxes 1– 6 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1. This pupil is interested in the subject despite the way it is taught.
2. This pupil is hoping to have a career that makes use of the subject.
3. This pupil finds the subject harder than they expected.
4. This pupil finds the lessons very entertaining.
5. This pupil appreciates the benefit of doing challenging work.
6. This pupil has realised the connection between two things.

Read the text below and answer Questions 7-14.

It’s almost time for the next Ripton Festival!

As usual, the festival will be held in the last weekend of June, this year on Saturday to Monday, 27-29 June. Ever since last year’s festival, the committee has been hard at work to make this year’s the best ever! The theme is Ripton through the ages. Scenes will be acted out showing how the town has developed since it was first established. But there’s also plenty that’s up-to-date, from the latest music to local crafts.

The Craft Fair is a regular part of the festival. Come and meet professional artists, designers and craftsmen and women, who will display their jewellery, paintings, ceramics, and much more. They’ll also take orders, so if you want one of them to make something especially for you, just ask! You’ll get it within a month of the festival ending.

The Saturday barbecue will start at 2 pm and continue until 10 pm, with a bouncy castle for kids. The barbecue will be held in Palmer’s Field, or in the town hall if there’s rain. Book your tickets now, as they always sell out very quickly! Entry for under 16s is free all day; adults can come for free until 6 pm and pay £5 after that. There’ll be live music throughout, with local amateur bands in the afternoon and professional musicians in the evening.

On Sunday we’re delighted to introduce an afternoon of boat races, arranged by the Ripton Rowing Club. The spectator area by the bridge has plenty of room to stand and cheer the boats home, in addition to a number of benches. The winners of the races will be presented with trophies by the mayor of Ripton.

All money raised by the festival will go to support the sports clubs in Ripton.

Questions 7-14
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text above?

In boxes 7-14 on your reading answer sheet, write:

     TRUE    if the statement agrees with the information
     FALSE    if the statement contradicts the information
    NOT GIVEN    if there is no information on this

 7. The festival is held every year.
 8. This year’s festival focuses on the town’s history.
 9. Goods displayed in the craft fair are unlike ones found in shops.
10. The barbecue will be cancelled if it rains.
11. Adults can attend the barbecue at any time without charge.
12. Amateur musicians will perform during the whole of the barbecue.
13. Seating is available for watching the boat races.
14. People attending the festival will be asked to donate some money.

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Surendra Pathak
Question answer to 16.