Discussion Topic - Travelling

Discussion Topic - Travelling.

Part 1: Introduction & Interview

Q. 1. How did you reach the examination centre?
Answer: I reached the examination centre by a public bus as I live a bit far away from the place where the examination is taking place. It took me almost two hours to reach here from my house.

Q. 2. Do you like travelling?
Answer: Generally speaking, I do like travelling when I am visiting new places, but when I am visiting the same place every day with the same kind of transportation, it becomes a bit monotonous.

Q. 3. How do you usually travel?
Answer: It depends on the distance I am travelling. If it is a short distance, I either walk or take a public bus. If I am travelling a long distance, I travel either by train or I take aerial route because travelling long distance by bus is not always very comfortable.

Q. 4. What are the most common types of transportation run on the streets in your country?
Answer: The most common types of transportation, which run on the streets in our country, are public and private buses, motorcycles, trucks and there-wheeler vehicles. Private cars, jeeps and “SUV” (sports utility vehicles) are also frequently seen to be running on the streets of my country.

Q. 5. Which types of transportation do people in your country often use to travel?
Answer: People in my country normally use motorcycles, buses and trains, depending on the distance they are travelling, in order to travel from one place to another. Some people also fly whenever they visit some distant part of the country and due to the cheap air travel, it is becoming more popular these days.


Part 3: Details Discussion. 

Q. 1. How easy is it to travel around your country?
Answer: It is really easy to travel around Vietnam since the country has a good transportation system. People in Vietnam can take buses and trains to travel around the country rather cheaply and easily. Besides, buses and trains, travellers can also travel from one city to another by using domestic flights. Travelling by private cars is also a great option in Vietnam apart from using bicycles, motorcycle taxi (a motorcycle which is used as a taxi to carry a passenger on a “pillion” behind the motorcycle operator), motorbike and Cyclo (a three-wheel bicycle taxi which is used to transport just one passenger).

Q. 2. Has travel become safer in recent years?
Answer: In recent years, travelling in this country has become safer with the introduction of new transports, and the construction of new and better roads and highways. Means of transportation are more comfortable and convenient these days while the travel routes among Vietnam’s big cities are more comfortable and hassle-free as well. Of course, some of the major roads are still little dangerous and slow to travel on due to out-dated design and an inappropriate traffic mix, but with the acceleration in the expressway’s construction, transportation in Vietnam has improved rapidly in terms of both quantity and quality.

Q. 3. Which mode of travel do you use the most? Why?
Answer: Where I live in my country, buses are the most reliable mode of transportation, and so I try to travel by bus as often as I can. Anyway, I try to use buses, primarily for two reasons:  the first reason is that they cost me much less money than any other modes of transportation. Secondly, I try to ride the buses because they run very frequently. In fact, I can get a bus every hour, where I live in Vietnam, and travel to almost any corner of the city rather easily and quickly.

Q. 4. What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?
Answer: There are both pros and cons of low-cost air travel, but it all depends where one lives. Anyway, in general, the advantages of cheap air-travel are that it’s called low-cost air travel for obvious reason, and the reason, of course, is that they are some insanely cheap. Besides, it’s very fast and efficient. In other words, the entire process of checking in and boarding the plane is very fast. On top of that, these low-cost air travels are reliable also, with almost no chances of a delay, unless, of course, the weather is treacherous.

There are some demerits of cheap air-travel also. One will have to pay extra money every time in order to carry extra luggage when using low-cost air travel. Besides, travelling in these low-cost air travels can be rather uncomfortable.

Q. 5. Has the needs for air travel increased recently? Why?
Answer: Yes, the needs for air travel have increased recently for several reasons. The first reason being is that people have become busier today than in the past, and as such, they want to save their times by travelling fast and by travelling in the air. Secondly, the income of people has significantly increased, and so, they naturally want more comfort and luxury when travelling from one place to another. Finally, the cost of air travel has significantly decreased over the years, which actually has encouraged more and more people to travel by air recently.

Q. 6. How do you think people will travel in the future?
Answer: Engineers and designers from all over the world are testing out what could be the vehicles of the future. One such vehicle would be “Superbus” which is like a high speed electric coach-like limo car that is capable of carrying 23 passengers at a speed of up to 250 kilometres per hour (160 mph) on specially designed segregated highway lanes. Besides, we could also see something like “SkyTran” (developed at NASA) which is a transportation system that would allow passengers to zip past crowded roads in towns at speeds of 50 to 100 mph and in outskirts at up to 150 mph in space precision streamlined capsules. Finally, we could also see a “flying car" to transport us in the air just like a plane.

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