Discussion Topic - Daily routine

Discussion Topic - Daily routine.

Part 1 - Introduction & Interview:

Q. 1. What would you like to change in your daily routine?
Answer: I would like to change a couple of things in my daily routine. First, I would like to wake up a bit earlier in the morning so that I could do some physical exercise. Secondly, I would also like to spend lesser time in watching television after coming back home from my work.

Q. 2. Are all your days the same? [Why/why not?]
Answer: No, all my days are not the same nor should we expect them to be the same. Sometimes, some of my days are passed very smoothly without any major cause for concerns while some other days can be hectic and really long because situations change due to other people or conditions which are beyond our control.

Q. 3. Tell me about your typical weekday and your typical weekend.
Answer: My typical weekday starts in the morning when I get ready to go to work after eating some light breakfast. My office closes at around 6 pm and then I come back to my home. Then I watch some marathon TV (after finishing my dinner) for a good 3 hours before going to bed. My typical weekend is nothing special because I remain busy for the most part doing some important house choirs in order to help my family apart from some occasional visit to some favourite restaurants of mine.

Q. 4. What is the balance of work/study and free time in your normal day?
Answer: Unfortunately, the balance of my work life and free time is not so good because I have to work long hours. Besides, when I am not working, either I am studying to improve my job-related skills, doing some house choirs, or helping my elderly parents and family. So, going out and enjoying some free time to relax and have fun is not something I can do that often.


Part 3 - Details Discussion:

Q. How a daily routine can help us do more each day?
Answer: A daily routine can help to do more each day in several ways. First, when we have a daily routine, we know exactly what our priorities are, and how long time we should spend in order to take care of those priorities every day. Secondly, when we have a daily routine in place, we know exactly how much time we would spend on our leisurely activities. Finally, when we have a daily routine, we develop a habit of doing things regardless of distraction and circumstances around us.

Q. How important is it to arrive early in your country?
Answer: Unfortunately, arriving early in my country is not really that much important these days because people seem to be competing with each other in arriving late no matter how emergency the situations really are. In reality, most people in my country don’t even think of arriving early unless they are offered some extra “incentives” to do so. Besides, arriving early in our big cities is not always possible because of bad traffic.

Q. How can modern technology help people to maintain their daily routine?
Answer: Technology can help us to “work smarter” in order to maintain our daily routines. In fact, technology can decrease our labour needs by providing greater access to information, enabling timely and informed decision making and working fast among other things. For example, with a smartphone or laptop in hands, we can do some works at home or important office works while we are actually travelling to attend an important meeting and thus allowing us to do multi-tasking. Finally, some useful software applications are there for us to plan and manage our daily routine. These applications also let us track our daily tasks and help plan ahead.

Q. What kinds of jobs require the most patience?
Answer: In my humble opinion, more or less all kinds of jobs require the utmost patience if we really want to do our jobs thoroughly and professionally. But, to be more precise, jobs of medical doctors and medical surgeons indeed require the most patient because sometimes their jobs make the difference between life and death. Besides, teaching kids is also kind of a job that require utmost patience because kids can be very “unreasonable” and “handful” sometimes in the classrooms.

Q. Is it always better to be patient in work (or, studies)?
Answer: They say that “patience is a great virtue”, and I also happen to believe in this “timeless” proverb. So, I think that it is always better to be patient in work (unless, of course, our jobs are deliberately trying to push us away) because "patience" would almost inevitably pave the way for changing things for better in work. Besides, patience in work would also set us apart from the rest of the “crowds” in work and thus sometimes allowing to land on a better “opportunity” at our job.

Q. Do you agree or disagree that a student who follows a daily routine does better than someone without any kind of routine?
Answer: Yes, I would agree with the view that a student, who follows a daily routine, does better than someone without any kind of routine mainly because “practice makes it perfect”, and following daily routine means “practising everyday” little by little. Having a daily routine also means that a student is sincere and determined to do well with his or her studies, and this kind of determination, sincerity and discipline is bound to bring success for that student sooner or later.

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