GT Reading Test 17 Section 2 - The ABC's of CV Writing & Waiting at Jakarta Mahal

GT Reading Mock Test 17:

Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3  |

Section 2: Questions 15-27

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 15-27 which are based on the text below.

GT Reading: The ABC's of CV Writing & Waiting at Jakarta Mahal

Read the text below and answer Questions 15-20.


Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) is one of the most important documents you will ever write. This summary of your academic and work history is an essential tool in your job search and commonly the first form of contact with a potential employer.

With so many people in the job market it is your responsibility to ‘sell’ yourself, so before you put pen to paper, it is worthwhile taking time to carefully think about your approach.  To assist you in this process we have listed the most common advice for preparing your CV below:

A   Your main goal is to demonstrate a match between your accomplishments and the position you are applying for. The job description will outline the qualifications and requisites for the position, so read it carefully.

B    Update your CV each time you apply for a job, specifically tailoring it to each position.

C    If you are applying for a position in another country, present your academic and work achievements in terms your future employer will understand and demonstrate your familiarity with the culture and business practices, where possible.

D    The format of your CV is always important.  A clear, concise presentation will make your application stand out and be easier to read.  A summary on page one, outlining your key strengths will draw attention to your best features.  The use of bullet points in the formatting can not only contribute to brevity, but also increase the impact of your CV.

E    Never send out a CV without a covering letter highlighting the areas of your CV that particularly relate to the job being advertised.

F     In their enthusiasm for a particular position, some people may be tempted to exaggerate on their CVs. Employers are aware of this tendency and will check any claims you make concerning your experience, qualifications or remuneration levels. It pays to be truthful. If you are caught lying, your application will not be considered.

G    Grammatical and spelling errors are unacceptable in a CV however, they are one of the most common problems. Your CV must have no mistakes and be attractively presented. A good strategy is to ask someone to check it for you before it is submitted to make sure it is error-free.

   If you have difficulty writing your CV and feel that it will detract from your job application, there are professional services that will assist you for a reasonable fee.

Questions 15-20

Complete each of the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

15.  A CV is usually the initial .................. made with a future boss.
16.  Writing a CV requires a well-considered .................. .
17.  All .................. must show a relationship with the desired position.
18.  The requirements of a position are explained in the .................. . 
19.  In addition to a CV, applications must also include a .................. .
20. If CV writing is too challenging, consider help from .................. .

Read the text below and answer Questions 21-27.



When you finally hear the words ‘Congratulations, you've been hired!’ from the supervisor of the famous Jakarta Mahal Indian Restaurant, you might wonder ‘Now what do I do?’

Gt Reading Sample- Waiting at Jakarta Mahal

On your first day, you will be assigned to an experienced employee who will act as your adviser for the first week. Your mentor will also take you on a tour of the restaurant to familiarise you with the layout. Once you know where everything is and have met the staff, you will be advised of the daily routine. An important key to success is to memorise this and faithfully adhere to it.

Upon arrival at the restaurant, change into your uniform - ensure it is ironed and stain-free. Depending on the time of the day, you may be required to lay the tables and stock the service areas with supplies of coffee, tea, clean tableware and linen. Once those tasks are complete, familiarise yourself with the menu and any alterations made since you were last on duty.  Pay particular attention to the daily specials and check the drinks menu and wine list. It may be necessary to consult with the head waiter about the dishes on offer so you can answer queries, which could include describing cooking methods and ingredients.

Be on hand to greet the patrons, answer their questions, and escort them to their table. When everyone is seated and has a menu, take their drink orders and inform them of the specials of the day. Be prepared to make recommendations if requested to do so.

Take the meal orders when the guests indicate they are ready and check to see if additional beverages are needed. When the meals are ready they should be served quickly and efficiently.

A hallmark of an excellent waiter is table maintenance. During the meal ensure that empty glasses, dirty dishes and unused cutlery are removed. Also, be alert for anyone looking around in need of assistance.

Be sure to check the bill before presenting it to the guests, making sure it is itemised and that the total and sales tax is correct. After you have collected payment and taken leave of your patrons, it is time to reset the table and begin again.

Questions 21-27

Complete the flow-chart below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.



Waiters must put on a clean 21 ……..……
Become aware of any changes to 22 ……..……
Prepare for questions about the menu by talking to the 23 ……..……
Tell guests about specials after they have been 24  ……..……
Once meal orders have been taken, inquire about 25 ……..……
Writes all sales tax on 26 ……..……
After guests have left, 27 ……..……


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