Cue Card Sample

IELTS Cue Card Sample 66 - Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember.

You should say:

  • what subject the teacher taught you
  • how old you were then
  • what were some special characteristics of this teacher

and explain why you remember this teacher.


Model Answer 1:

I have been lucky enough to have several great teachers when growing up as a student, and I remember all of their contributions in helping me become the person I am today. However, I would like to specifically mention about one teacher here today whom I remember a bit more than others.

It was about 14 years ago, and I was about a 13 years old high school student – a high school student who hated math. In fact, I found math to be so difficult that I sometimes even pretended to be sick to my parents in order to skip the class. Of course, I had tried all my best to perform better in this difficult subject, but I could get was just a passing score in the test.

But, all that changed when Mr Rajon Seikh had joined our high school as a math teacher. By the way, he didn’t look like a very smart person to me to become a math teacher, even though he was quite qualified.  Anyway, Mr Rajon gave us a brief lecture to us about the math lesson, and I must say that I was pretty amazed at his level of confidence. In fact, he assured us that if we all paid attention to his class for only about 30 minutes every day for about 6 months, he would make us the math experts. He also told us that he didn’t come to teach us, but rather he had come to create a mindset in us to learn mathematics easily and quickly.  

So, his lessons started, and to my pleasant surprise, math suddenly started to make sense to me. In fact, I grew so confident in the next 6 months, I felt like I could actually get a top score in math.

Anyway, I remember this teacher because he had all the tricks in his armoury of math teaching in order to arouse interest in the minds of his students quickly. Besides, it was him, who had given me the confidence to do better not only in math but also in other classes.


Sample Answer 2:

Throughout my academic life, I found and came into contact with several teachers whom I'll never forget mostly because of their personality and quality teaching. Such a teacher who I remember clearly was Mr Aurther who taught us History at our 8th grade.

I was then about 13-14 years old and was in class Eight. He had an admiring personality and a different way of teaching. He was very punctual and honest and inspired us to be so. He never pressurised us on studying and always told us stories about different historical events. In his classes, we never felt bored. He had a gift of making the lessons interesting and attracting students to his stories. Much of the history I now know is because of him. 

My major was Science and I have not studied history that much but whatever interest I grew on history was mostly his contribution. I can still recall the stories I heard from him. He never misbehaved with any of his students and all of his students admired him very much. I learned later on that he was an honest and benevolent man in his personal life. I still remember him because he was a good man, a wise mentor and a nice person who taught us things that we still remember. 

Tips for answering this cue card topic:

Mention that the teacher was very influential and you consider him/ her to be one of the greatest teachers you have ever got. Start by saying the teacher’s name and the class and subject he/she taught. Mention your age at the time when s/he taught you and give details of his/her personality, the way of his/her teaching and other details. Not necessarily the teacher has to be an academic teacher; he/she can be a private tutor as well for this cue card.

Two important aspects you must cleverly cover in this cue card: describing the attractive characteristics and good qualities of this teacher and then your reason for remembering his/her. Since the cue card asks you to describe a teacher from your past, so not talk about a teacher who still teaches you in any way.

Following are some of the tips to help you generate some points to talk about the good qualities the teacher had and the reason why you still remember it. Add your own idea and points with the clues provided below:

1.    S/he was a good teacher who always inspired the students to study attentively.
2.    S/he had a moral and amiable character and because of that most of the teachers and students liked him/her.
3.    The way s/he taught us was really great as it was interesting and s/he had a way of explaining the subject matter very attractively.
4.    S/he has a natural talent of telling stories and then relating a story to the topic he/she taught.
5.    S/he was punctual and always inspired us to value the time.
6.    S/he helped the students in need and I have never found him/her turning down someone who sought help from him/her.

Why I remember him/her:
There are several reasons I still remember him/her and the main reason among those is his/her amiable personality. I have never found him/her lost his/her temper no matter what. S/he was a good person by heart and took his/ her teaching profession very professionally. S/he always listened to us attentively even and then gave his/ her opinion. I have never found him/her in angry mode and I was very much amazed by the fatherly/ motherly behaviours s/he had.

Apart from the good personality, s/he was a good teacher who knew how to explain a topic. His/her way of teaching was very interesting and I never felt bored in his/her classes. I can still recall the stories s/he told and then related those stories to the main study topics. In my opinion, s/he was the best teacher in my life and I am very much curious to learn more about him/her and would like to meet him/her to know about the things s/he is doing now.

Similar cue card topics:

1.    Describe a person who you admire.
2.    Describe a teacher from your academic life.
3.    Describe an ideal person you know about.
4.    Describe a person with good quality.


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