IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1498 - New houses should be built in the same style

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

In the ongoing debate about architectural styles in housing, there are those who argue that new houses should echo the established styles of older houses in the local area, while others contend that homeowners should have the freedom to build houses in styles of their choosing. This essay will delve into both these perspectives. Personally, I firmly advocate the idea that new houses should be constructed in harmony with the architectural heritage of the local area.

Opponents of uniformity in housing styles assert that allowing individuals to build houses according to their preferences fosters creativity and diversity in neighbourhoods. They argue that this approach can lead to a unique and eclectic urban landscape, reflecting the varied tastes and personalities of the residents. However, this viewpoint may overlook the potential negative impact on the overall visual coherence and historical continuity of a neighbourhood.

Conversely, adherents to the idea of maintaining a consistent architectural style argue that it preserves the cultural and historical identity of a locality. Constructing new houses in the same style as older ones helps maintain a harmonious aesthetic, preventing disjointed and visually disruptive additions. For instance, historic districts with uniform architecture often attract tourists and contribute to a sense of community pride.

Supporting the latter perspective, I believe that building new houses in the same style as older ones fosters a sense of continuity, preserving the unique character and charm of a neighbourhood. This approach not only pays homage to the architectural heritage but also ensures a cohesive and visually appealing urban environment.

To conclude, in essence, the choice of architectural styles should strike the collective preservation of local identity. Therefore, new houses in a local area should reflect the traditional and architectural styles of the old houses.


Model Answer 2:

While some argue that maintaining architectural continuity enhances the cultural and historical fabric of a locality, others believe that allowing diversity in housing styles fosters individual expression and creativity. This essay will discuss both views. Personally, I advocate for the stance that local authorities should permit individuals to build houses in styles of their own choosing.

Proponents of adhering to traditional architectural styles argue that it preserves the character and historical identity of a community. When new houses complement the established styles, they contribute to a visually cohesive and harmonious urban environment. For instance, in historic districts where local authorities mandate uniformity, the result is often a charming and picturesque streetscape that attracts residents and visitors alike. This not only makes the area visually appealing but also boosts the economy by bringing in more tourists. 

On the other hand, opponents contend that rigid regulations stifling architectural creativity limit the potential for unique and innovative designs. Allowing homeowners to choose their preferred styles encourages diversity and can lead to a more vibrant and dynamic neighbourhood. For example, modernist designs or innovative eco-friendly housing might emerge, contributing to a visually diverse and progressive urban landscape.

Supporting the perspective that local authorities should permit individuals to build houses in various styles, I believe that fostering architectural diversity allows for a more inclusive and adaptable urban development. 

In conclusion, the benefits of allowing individuals the freedom to build in styles of their own choice cannot be overlooked. Local authorities should recognize the value of diversity and individual expression in architectural designs. Permitting a range of housing styles fosters a sense of creativity, adaptability, and inclusivity in urban development.

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