IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1489 - Whether it is better to live in a city or in a countryside

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

It is thought by some people that it is better to live in a city while others believe that life is better in the countryside.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

Living preferences often vary widely among individuals, with some advocating for the advantages of city life, while others extol the virtues of rural tranquillity. While both settings have their merits, I am inclined to believe that urban living offers more opportunities and conveniences for a fulfilling life. This essay will discuss both these views and explain why I believe living in a city has more perks.

To commence with the advantages of rural living, there is a serene and tranquil environment in the countryside that provides respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. The fresh air, close-knit communities, and scenic landscapes in rural areas offer a peaceful and serene lifestyle. For instance, living in a countryside village allows individuals to escape noise pollution and enjoy the beauty of nature.

On the other hand, cities boast an array of opportunities and amenities that are unparalleled. Urban areas are thriving hubs of culture, commerce, and diversity. Cities offer a plethora of job opportunities, educational institutions, cultural events, and recreational facilities. Additionally, cities are hubs of innovation and progress, fostering an environment conducive to personal and professional growth. For example, cities like London, New York, or Tokyo are cosmopolitan centres that attract diverse talents, offer diverse career prospects, and facilitate exposure to various cultures and experiences.

Personally, I lean towards the advantages of urban living. The fast-paced lifestyle, cultural diversity, job opportunities, and access to top-notch facilities in cities provide an environment that fosters personal growth and broadens horizons. While the countryside offers peace and tranquillity, I believe that the dynamism and opportunities available in cities make them a more appealing choice for a well-rounded and progressive life.

In conclusion, while rural areas offer serenity and natural beauty, the myriad of opportunities, conveniences, and experiences available in cities make urban living a more suitable option for those seeking diverse opportunities and personal growth.

Model Answer 2:

Opinions diverge on whether city life or countryside living offers a superior lifestyle. While some advocate for the advantages of urban living, others praise the purity of rural tranquillity. This essay will outline both perspectives and opine that the benefits of residing in the countryside are far greater, considering the tranquillity and natural beauty it offers.

Supporters of city living often highlight the conveniences and opportunities abundant in urban areas. Cities are vibrant hubs of culture, commerce, and diverse opportunities. For instance, cities offer a myriad of employment opportunities, access to quality healthcare, cultural diversity, and various recreational activities. Additionally, cities boast modern amenities and infrastructure, making life more comfortable and convenient.

Conversely, proponents of countryside living emphasize the serenity, fresh air, and closer connection to nature. Living in rural areas allows individuals to escape the frenetic pace of urban life, experience a quieter environment, and enjoy picturesque landscapes. For example, living in a countryside village enables people to form stronger community bonds, partake in agricultural activities, and lead a slower-paced lifestyle.

In my view, the countryside presents an ideal environment for a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Away from the noise and congestion of cities, rural areas offer an opportunity to appreciate nature's beauty, lead a simpler lifestyle, and build stronger community ties. Living amidst natural landscapes fosters a sense of tranquillity and inner peace, contributing to overall well-being and mental health.

In conclusion, while urban areas offer a multitude of conveniences and opportunities, I firmly believe that the countryside provides a more serene and fulfilling lifestyle. The tranquillity, connection to nature, and slower pace of life in rural settings make it a preferable choice for those seeking a peaceful and harmonious existence.

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