IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1478 - Advantages and disadvantages of public libraries existing online

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Public libraries will soon no longer be housed in a building as all facilities and books will be available online for all to access.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of public libraries existing online?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

The public library of the future may turn into an e-library as all resources and books will be accessible online for everyone. The distinct advantage of public online libraries is that individuals have access to a wide range of books and resources. However, the disadvantage is that it can cause the digital divide.

One benefit of the public online library is that it provides individuals with a vast array of resources and books. Conventional public libraries do not have the flexibility to include a wide variety of content because of physical space constraints, whereas online libraries can store a diverse range of content in the cloud space, including e-books, audiobooks, magazines, blogs, articles, academic journals, research papers, podcasts, and videos, to mention but a few. Moreover, digital libraries allow individuals to gain instant access to all the contents from anywhere with an Internet connection. This is because digital contents are stored on remote servers and accessible through the Internet. For example, people can access their favourite e-books from any place at any time.

On the other hand, the main drawback to public digital libraries is that they can cause the digital divide. That is to say that not everyone has equal access to technology, such as computers, smartphones, or reliable Internet connection, thereby limiting the accessibility of books and facilities for people from lower-income households or backward areas with limited Internet infrastructure. For instance, an individual living in a rural area without Internet access may not be able to reap advantages from the facilities provided by public online libraries.

To conclude, while the benefit of public digital libraries is that they allow people to get immediate access to a diverse range of digital content, the drawback is that they can bring forth digital divides.

Model Answer 2:

Public libraries are on the verge of a significant transformation, moving away from traditional physical structures to online platforms that offer digital access to their resources. This shift presents both advantages and disadvantages that shape the future of libraries in the digital era. In this essay, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of online public libraries.

On the positive side, the transition to online libraries offers unparalleled accessibility. Online libraries transcend geographical limitations, allowing users to access a vast array of resources from anywhere, at any time. This fosters inclusivity and broadens educational opportunities, particularly for remote or underserved communities with limited physical access to traditional libraries. Furthermore, digitization enables libraries to expand their collections without the constraints of physical space, providing an extensive and diverse range of books, articles, and multimedia resources.

However, this transition also brings forth some drawbacks. Firstly, reliance on online libraries could exacerbate the digital divide, as not everyone has equal access to the internet or the necessary technological infrastructure. This inequality could disenfranchise those who lack internet connectivity or digital literacy skills, limiting their access to information and resources. Secondly, the digital format may compromise the tactile and sensory experience of reading physical books, impacting traditional reading habits and possibly deterring some users from engaging with online library materials.

In conclusion, while the evolution of public libraries to online platforms offers unprecedented access and an extensive range of resources, it also raises concerns about potential inequalities and the loss of the traditional reading experience. Balancing the advantages of digital accessibility with the need for inclusivity and preservation of reading habits remains crucial in shaping the future of public libraries.

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