IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1476 - Violence in the media promotes violence in society

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that violence in the media promotes violence in society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: 

In contemporary discourse, there exists a contention that the portrayal of violence in the media contributes to an increase in violent behaviour within society. I am inclined to agree with this viewpoint as the depiction of violence in various forms of media tends to desensitise individuals and can potentially influence their actions.

Firstly, the omnipresence of violent content in media platforms such as movies, video games, and television programmes desensitises individuals to violent behaviour. Repeated exposure to graphic imagery and explicit content numbs the sensitivity towards violence, making it seem commonplace. For instance, studies have shown a correlation between prolonged exposure to violent video games and an increase in aggressive behaviour among adolescents, indicating the potential influence of media content on behaviour.

Moreover, media representations often glamorise and normalise violent actions, shaping societal perceptions about the acceptability of such behaviour. Characters portrayed as heroes in movies or television series sometimes resort to violent means to solve conflicts, inadvertently sending a message that violence can be a justifiable means to an end. This normalization of aggression can lead to a skewed understanding of conflict resolution among impressionable audiences.

In conclusion, the media's pervasive portrayal of violence can indeed have a detrimental impact on society by desensitising individuals and normalising aggressive behaviour. While acknowledging the importance of artistic freedom and the complexities of societal influences, it is imperative to recognise the responsibility of media in shaping perceptions and behaviour. Thus, measures to regulate and monitor violent content in media platforms should be considered to mitigate its potential negative effects on societal behaviour.


Model Answer 2:

Many argue that the depiction of violence in the mass media encourages violence in society. I entirely agree with this opinion and believe that violent media content contributes to the prevalence of violence in society because it desensitizes human beings and influences individuals to show aggressive behaviour.

Regular exposure to violence in the media can desensitize people to real-life acts of violence. When the portrayal of violence in media becomes frequent, it may reduce emotional response and the feeling of shock associated with violent behaviour. Over time, people tend to lose their inhibitions about violence, thereby adopting a tolerant attitude towards aggressive behaviour. A recent study, for instance, has revealed that people who consume a substantial amount of violent media content, such as violent films or video games, may become desensitized to violence. This desensitization can make individuals less empathetic towards victims of violence and tend to engage in violent behaviour.

Likewise, media violence also promotes violence through glamorization. That is to say that the media often depicts violence in a way that glamorizes perpetrators as heroic, powerful and victorious. This, in turn, can create an overwhelming impression that violence is a necessary means of solving problems, achieving goals, or gaining dominance. Such depictions tend to encourage people, especially those who are vulnerable to aggressive tendencies, to view violence as a heroic act. For example, research carried out by psychologist L. Rowell Huesmann found that teenagers who watched extensive hours of violent TV shows associated with heroism when they were in primary school were more likely to exhibit higher levels of aggressive behaviour when they became adults.

To conclude, I think that media violence breeds violence in the community because it can desensitize individuals to violence and also encourage them to perform violent acts.


Model Answer 3:

It is often pointed out by many that the portrayal of violence in the media encourages violence in the community. I totally concur with this opinion because children and certain people may behave violently by watching it, and individuals also become numb to violence.

The prevalence of violence in mass media can make children aggressive. To commence with, children, nowadays, spend a considerable amount of time watching videos, like cartoons or films. Most of these programmes depict a sympathetic, strong and aggressive hero who can overcome every adverse situation by exercising miraculous power and thus solve his issues by brute force.  Since children and many people are unable to discriminate between exact right and wrong, they can take the aggressive behaviours of the fictional characters as a model. A case in point is recent research, which reveals that young children tend to imitate the aggressive behaviours they watch on television.

Likewise, the gruesome portrayals of violence in media breed violence in the community through desensitising people. This is because repeated exposure to violence normalizes violence over time and this, in turn, causes violent incidents in society. Put simply, desensitised individuals tend to downplay egregious harm done to others, thereby behaving violently. Desensitized people, in fact, consider that violence is a normal way of life and they resort to violence so as to solve conflicts. This is illustrated by the fact that people who are exposed to violent content may become desensitised to violence, emulate the violence, and show more aggressive behaviours.

To reiterate, the extensive viewing of media violence may cause behavioural issues because children, as well as many people, become aggressive by mimicking protagonists it may instil violence among desensitised people. 

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