IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1414 - Additional increase in economic wealth does not make citizens any more satisfied

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some experts believe that when a country is already rich, any additional increase in economic wealth does not make its citizens any more satisfied.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Model Answer 1:

Many people believe that the additional increase in the national wealth of an affluent country does not necessarily lead to increased satisfaction and happiness among citizens. I completely agree with this opinion because individuals cannot derive more satisfaction from increased wealth due to hedonic adaptation and income disparity.

To begin with, additional economic growth for an already rich country does not make citizens happier because of the hedonic treadmill. Humans tend to adapt to their new circumstances over time. That is to say that as people become richer, they are likely to adjust their desires and expectations accordingly. What was once deemed luxury may turn into a new baseline, driving to a perpetual pursuit of even more material possessions. This phenomenon is termed as the hedonic treadmill. By way of illustration, a person who shifts into a larger apartment may initially be more satisfied, but that satisfaction may gradually decrease as he adapts to his new standard of living and wants to pursue further development.

Likewise, economic growth by a nation cannot make individuals happier as there is always a huge income disparity. In an affluent society, income inequality may prevail, and individuals are likely to compare their status and wealth to those who are wealthier, leading to dissatisfaction. In simple words, if there are considerable disparities in wealth and status within the society, then people in the lower socioeconomic tier may feel dissatisfied despite overall economic growth. A case in point is the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States, a country with the most robust economy. In 2011, the movement emerged out of concern for growing income inequality.

In conclusion, this essay finds that beyond a particular point, the additional economic wealth cannot lead to a proportional increase in individuals’ contentment due to the hedonic treadmill and income inequality.

Model Answer 2:

Many people assert that when a country is already affluent, further increases in economic wealth do not necessarily lead to greater satisfaction among its citizens. I tend to agree with this opinion, and in this essay, I will delve into the reasons supporting this viewpoint.

To begin with, once a nation reaches a certain level of economic prosperity, the correlation between wealth and happiness tends to weaken significantly. Research has shown that beyond a certain income threshold that fulfills basic needs and provides a reasonable standard of living, the pursuit of additional wealth does not correspond to a commensurate increase in overall life satisfaction. This is often referred to as the "satiation point," where people experience diminishing returns on their happiness from accumulating more wealth. A study conducted in several developed countries found that individuals who earned above a certain income threshold reported only marginal gains in their life satisfaction as their income increased further.

Moreover, the pursuit of relentless economic growth in already affluent countries can come at the expense of other critical aspects of well-being, such as social cohesion, work-life balance, and environmental sustainability. The prioritization of economic growth above all else can lead to increased stress, longer working hours, and a greater sense of insecurity, which can negatively impact citizens' overall quality of life. For instance, in some highly developed nations, the emphasis on economic growth has led to work cultures characterized by long hours, limited vacation time, and a lack of job security, contributing to stress and reduced life satisfaction.

In conclusion, I concur with the notion that in wealthy countries, the relentless pursuit of economic growth may not significantly enhance citizens' overall satisfaction. Beyond a certain point, the benefits of increased wealth may become marginal, while the negative consequences, such as reduced work-life balance can erode well-being.

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