Cue Card Sample

Describe some food or drink that you learned to prepare - Cue Card # 848

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Individual Long Run - IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand over to you. Read it carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe some food or drink that you learned to prepare.

You should say:

  • what food or drink you learned to prepare
  • when and where you learned to prepare this
  • how you learned to prepare this

and explain how you felt about learning to prepare this food or drink.

[Instruction: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Model Answer 1:

Thank you very much for this interesting topic. Here, I will talk about a food item that I really love and learned how to preapre. 

I would not hesitate to say that one culinary adventure that I embarked on was learning to prepare delicious homemade ramen. It was during my last semester at university when I decided to dive into the world of cooking and try my hand at this popular Japanese dish.

I vividly remember a weekend when I had a bit of free time between assignments and exams. I had been fascinated by the idea of making ramen from scratch, so I gathered all the necessary ingredients and followed an online recipe. The process was a mix of excitement and a touch of nervousness, as I was attempting to replicate a dish I had always enjoyed at restaurants.

I started by making the broth from scratch, simmering it with various aromatics for hours to achieve that rich and flavorful base. While the broth was simmering, I prepared the toppings, which included marinated eggs, sliced meat, and various vegetables. Making the noodles from scratch was a particularly intriguing process, involving kneading and rolling the dough to achieve the perfect texture.

As the various components of the ramen came together, I was filled with a sense of accomplishment and curiosity about the final taste. When I finally sat down to enjoy the bowl of homemade ramen, I was pleasantly surprised by how closely it resembled the restaurant version. The flavors were well-balanced, the broth was rich and comforting, and the noodles had that delightful chewiness.

Learning to prepare ramen from scratch was a satisfying experience. It gave me a newfound appreciation for the complexity of flavors in seemingly simple dishes and boosted my confidence in the kitchen. More than anything, the process reminded me of the joy of trying new things, even if they initially seem a bit daunting. The feeling of accomplishment I had when savoring that bowl of ramen was truly rewarding, and it sparked my interest in experimenting with more homemade dishes.

Model Answer 2:

Perhaps the best culinary journey I embarked on was learning to prepare the iconic Canadian dish, poutine. I had heard so much about this indulgent comfort food that I decided to give it a try and make it from scratch.

It was on a lazy weekend afternoon a few years ago when I decided to take on this challenge. I gathered the essential ingredients - crispy French fries, cheese curds, and gravy. I had never made cheese curds before, so that part of the process was both intriguing and slightly nerve-wracking. I followed a recipe diligently, slowly heating and curdling the milk until it formed the characteristic cheese curds.

Next came the French fries. I sliced the potatoes, double-fried them to achieve that perfect crunch, and then seasoned them with a sprinkle of salt. While the fries were sizzling away, I prepared the gravy. A rich, flavorful gravy was crucial to elevate the dish, so I sautéed onions, added beef broth, and seasoned it to create the perfect accompaniment.

As all the components came together, I layered the crispy fries with the freshly made cheese curds and then generously poured the warm gravy over them. The cheese curds started to melt slightly from the heat of the gravy, creating a deliciously gooey and satisfying texture.

When I took that first bite of homemade poutine, I was transported to the Canadian diners where I had tasted this dish before. The combination of crispy fries, melty cheese curds, and savory gravy was everything I had hoped for. It was truly a delightful experience to create a dish that carried so much cultural significance.

Learning to prepare poutine was not just about mastering a recipe; it was about connecting with a culture through its cuisine. It made me appreciate the art of comfort food and how something seemingly simple can bring so much joy.

PART - 3: Detail Discussion.

Discussion topic: Young people and cooking

Q. What kinds of things can children learn to cook?
Answer: Well, in my opinion, children can learn a variety of simple dishes and cooking techniques. They can start with basics like making sandwiches, scrambled eggs, and salads. As they progress, they can learn to cook pasta, rice, and simple stir-fries. Baking cookies, cupcakes, and basic cakes are also popular options. I believe that it's important to gradually introduce them to different cooking methods and ingredients based on their age and skill level.

Q. Do you think it is important for children to learn to cook?
Answer: Yes, I believe it's very important for children to learn how to cook. Cooking is a life skill that not only promotes independence but also encourages a healthier relationship with food. So, I think that knowing how to prepare meals allows children to make better food choices and control what they eat. Moreover, cooking can boost their confidence and creativity in the kitchen, which are valuable traits that carry into adulthood.

Q. Do you think young people should learn to cook at home or at school?
Answer: I think a combination of both would be ideal. Learning to cook at home offers a more personalized and relaxed environment where children can learn family recipes and traditions. On the other hand, cooking classes at school can provide structured lessons, exposure to a variety of cuisines, and a chance to interact with peers. Therefore I would like to suggest that both settings have their advantages, contributing to a well-rounded culinary education.

Discussion topic: Working as a chef

Q. How enjoyable do you think it would be to work as a professional chef?
Answer: I think that working as a professional chef can be highly enjoyable for individuals passionate about cooking and creating new dishes. The culinary field offers a dynamic and creative environment where chefs can experiment with flavors and techniques. However, it's also a demanding and high-pressure career that requires long hours, attention to detail, and the ability to handle stress. I believe, the enjoyment factor largely depends on one's dedication and love for the culinary arts.

Q. What skills does a person need to be a great chef?
Answer: To be a great chef, I assume, one needs a combination of technical skills and personal qualities. Technical skills include expertise in various cooking methods, understanding flavors and ingredients, and the ability to innovate and adapt recipes. Beyond that, communication skills are vital for working in a team and managing kitchen staff. Creativity, a strong work ethic, and the ability to handle pressure are also essential traits for excelling in the culinary industry.

Q. How much influence do celebrity/TV chefs have on what ordinary people cook?
Answer: I personally believe that celebrity and TV chefs have a substantial influence on what ordinary people cook. Their shows introduce new recipes, cooking styles, and culinary trends to a wider audience. Many people are inspired by these chefs to try out new dishes or experiment with different cuisines. However, it's worth noting that while TV chefs can spark interest and enthusiasm for cooking, the majority of everyday cooking is still based on personal preferences, family traditions, and convenience.

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