IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1287 - Some people think that intelligence is innate

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that intelligence is innate while others believe that we can improve our intelligence through learning.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Model Answer 1:

There has been a long-standing debate on whether intelligence is an inherent quality or can be improved through learning and experience. While some people believe that intelligence is predetermined at birth and cannot be changed, others argue that intelligence is a dynamic trait that can be developed with the right opportunities and education. In this essay, we will discuss both sides of the argument and opine that intelligence is an inborn quality that can be nurtured and developed through practice. 

Those who believe that intelligence is innate argue that an individual's intelligence is determined by genetics and upbringing. They maintain that a person's IQ score is fixed and cannot be changed. For instance, if an individual is born with a high IQ, they are more likely to excel academically, and subsequently, in their careers. Furthermore, it is argued that intelligence is hereditary, meaning that an individual's intelligence level is inherited from their parents.

On the other hand, others believe that intelligence can be developed through learning and education. They argue that intelligence is not just an inherited trait but is also shaped by experiences and environments. Studies have shown that individuals who receive a better education and are exposed to more diverse experiences tend to have higher IQ scores. Therefore, it is possible to improve one's intelligence by learning and exposing oneself to new experiences.

In my opinion, I believe that though intelligence is innate, it can also be developed through education and learning. While a person's genetics and upbringing may play a role in determining their intelligence, it is not the only factor. Education, learning and life experience provide individuals with the opportunity to expand their knowledge, learn new skills, and develop their critical thinking abilities. Additionally, the availability of resources and exposure to diverse experiences can also contribute to an individual's intellectual growth.

In conclusion, while some argue that intelligence is predetermined by genetics, others contend that it can be developed through education and exposure to new experiences. However, in my view, both factors play a role in shaping a person's intelligence, and it is possible to improve one's intelligence through learning and education.

Model Answer 2:

The question of whether intelligence is inherent or can be improved through learning has sparked considerable debate. While some argue that intelligence is primarily determined by genetic factors, others contend that intelligence is a malleable trait that can be enhanced through education and experience. This essay will examine both perspectives and argue that intelligence can indeed be improved through learning.

Supporters of the notion that intelligence is inborn argue that individuals are born with a certain level of cognitive abilities that remain relatively stable throughout their lives. They believe that intelligence is predetermined by genetic factors and influenced by biological and neurological characteristics. Proponents of this view often highlight the consistency of intelligence test scores over time, suggesting that intellectual capacity is largely fixed. Moreover, studies on identical twins reared apart provide evidence for the genetic basis of intelligence. These studies demonstrate that twins raised in different environments still exhibit similarities in their intellectual capabilities. This suggests that genetics play a crucial role in determining intelligence.

On the contrary, education plays a crucial role in expanding an individual's intellectual capacity. Through formal education, individuals gain knowledge, acquire critical thinking skills, and develop problem-solving abilities. Exposure to a wide range of subjects and disciplines challenges the mind and fosters intellectual growth. For example, a study conducted among students who received a high-quality education demonstrated that their cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills significantly improved compared to those who had limited access to educational resources.

Furthermore, education provides individuals with opportunities for continuous learning and self-improvement. By engaging in lifelong learning, individuals can broaden their intellectual horizons, acquire new skills, and stay updated with advancements in their respective fields. This continuous pursuit of knowledge and personal development contributes to the expansion of intelligence over time. For instance, consider an individual who starts with limited knowledge of a particular subject but diligently engages in self-study and attends educational programmes. Through consistent effort and dedication, their understanding and expertise in that area will grow, reflecting an improvement in intelligence.

In conclusion, while there are varying opinions on whether intelligence is innate or can be improved through learning, the evidence supports the notion that intelligence can indeed be enhanced through education and experience. Education provides individuals with the necessary tools to expand their knowledge and develop critical thinking skills.

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