IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1267 - Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious problems

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: [Agreement]

In today's globalised world, it is increasingly common for people to live in countries where they have to speak a foreign language. Some argue that this can cause severe social and practical issues. I completely agree with this statement, and in this essay, I will discuss the reasons for this and provide examples to support my viewpoint.

Firstly, language is a crucial part of communication and living in a country where someone does not speak the local language may face significant practical problems. For instance, it may be challenging to communicate with locals, especially when it comes to issues such as healthcare or legal matters. This can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and even serious consequences. In addition, it can be difficult to access certain services, such as public transportation, if someone does not understand the language. For example, if someone is unable to read signs or understand announcements, it can be challenging to navigate the public transport system.

Secondly, social problems can arise when people are unable to communicate effectively due to language barriers. In such situations, people may feel isolated and excluded from the community. This can lead to a lack of social interaction and can even contribute to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. For example, immigrants who are unable to speak the language of their new country may struggle to make friends, find employment, and feel a sense of belonging in their new community.

In conclusion, I agree that living in a country where someone has to speak a foreign language can cause intense social and practical problems. Therefore, it is essential for governments to provide adequate language support to immigrants and for individuals to make an effort to learn the local language to facilitate communication and integration into the new community.


Model Answer 2: [Partial Agreement]

Living in a country where a foreign language is spoken can certainly present some challenges, both practical and social. However, I do not entirely agree with the statement that it causes serious problems. In fact, there are many advantages to living in a multilingual society, and individuals can take steps to overcome language barriers and integrate successfully into their new communities.

On the practical side, it is true that not being able to speak the local language can make everyday tasks a bit difficult, such as grocery shopping, navigating public transportation, or seeking medical attention. However, with the increasing prevalence of translation apps and services, these challenges can be mitigated to some extent. Moreover, learning the local language is a valuable skill that can enhance one's employability and personal development.

In terms of social problems, language barriers may make it harder to form connections with local people and feel like part of the community. However, this does not have to be an insurmountable obstacle. Immigrants can seek out language classes, community events, or other opportunities to meet locals and practice their language skills. They can also make an effort to learn about local customs and values, which can help bridge cultural divides and build understanding.

Furthermore, living in a multilingual society can be a tremendous asset in today's interconnected world. Exposure to different languages and cultures can broaden one's perspective, enrich one's experiences, and foster cross-cultural understanding. In fact, many countries actively promote language learning and multiculturalism as a way to enhance their economic and social competitiveness on the global stage.

In conclusion, while it is true that living in a country where a foreign language is spoken can present some practical and social challenges, I do not believe that it necessarily causes severe problems. With effort and resources, language barriers can be overcome, and the benefits of living in a multilingual society can be enjoyed by all.

Model Answer 3: [Disagreement]

Living in a country where someone has to speak a foreign language may pose some challenges, but it does not necessarily lead to serious social and practical problems. In fact, it can offer numerous benefits and opportunities for personal growth and cultural exchange. This essay will argue against the statement that living in a country where a foreign language is spoken causes serious social and practical problems.

One of the main advantages of living in a country where a foreign language is spoken is the opportunity for language immersion. When individuals are immersed in an environment where the target language is used in daily life, they have a greater chance to improve their language skills rapidly. For instance, consider a person who moves to France and is required to speak French in their daily interactions. Through constant exposure and practice, they gradually become more proficient in the language. This not only facilitates effective communication but also allows them to integrate more seamlessly into the local community.

Living in a foreign-language country also presents opportunities for building cross-cultural relationships. When individuals are compelled to learn and use a new language, they are often exposed to diverse perspectives and customs, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures. This, in turn, promotes social cohesion and harmony. For example, imagine someone relocating to Japan and making an effort to learn Japanese. As they interact with locals and participate in community activities, they gain insights into Japanese traditions, values, and ways of life. This cultural exchange allows for the development of meaningful friendships and mutual respect, breaking down potential social barriers that may arise due to language differences.

While living in a country where a foreign language is spoken may present initial challenges, such as language barriers and cultural differences, it does not necessarily result in serious social and practical problems. On the contrary, language immersion offers opportunities for rapid language acquisition, facilitating effective communication and integration into the local community.

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Thank you so much, brother.
Nayamot Ullah
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

It is often believed that living in a nation where people have to speak a different language can contribute to extreme obstacles - both social and practical. I completely agree with the notion that an unknown foreign language leads to numerous problems when someone lives in a different country other than his or her motherland.

It is undeniable that people struggle with their career goals if they are unable to speak and understand the language that is spoken in a foreign land. Without demonstrating the skill in the language, job seekers often fail to manage a decent job. In this era of globalisation, recruiters are less likely to hire someone who can not communicate with the team members and customers. Language is also a barrier when it comes to social communication. Without the knowledge and skill in the spoken language in a new country, many people are unable to make friends and have poor relationships as a result. It leads to isolation, frustration and in many cases psychological issues.

Furthermore, such individuals, in many cases, face difficulties understanding the cultural values of the host country and can not become true members of the society they live in. This is why, learning the native language of a particular country where someone wants to live is crucial. Without knowing the language, migrants would become socially isolated and struggle to find a decent job to support themselves financially.

To culminate the essay, I would like to state that I agree with the argument that language barriers are the source of various problems and issues in an individual's life whether it can be social or practical.