IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1239 - Some people like to try new things, for example, places to visit

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people like to try new things, for example, places to visit and types of food. Other people prefer to keep doing things they are familiar with.

Discuss both these attitudes and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words. 

Model Answer 1:
We can broadly categorise people into two main segments: the first segment of people are comfortable with living in the same place, eating the same types of food, having a career that involves pretty much doing the same thing and taking almost no risks, while others are completely the opposite who find the meaning of life through risks and challenges and are not afraid of trying new things. This essay will explore both perspectives. Personally, I like to take risks, face challenges and enjoy the diversity of the world through travelling and favour the second group of people.

People who avoid challenges or scarcely try new things are comfortable with the lifestyle they already have. They do not want to make life complicated by taking on new challenges that might bring misery or dissatisfaction to their life. Such people are often contended with whatever they have and wish to stay in their comfort zone. Since they are afraid of failure, their success is also limited. We can see many people around us who fall in this category, who, despite seeing potential in a new career, never dare to change their existing job or even detest the idea of trying new food.

On the other hand, there are people who believe that change is constant and that taking on challenges is something that makes life thrilling and enjoyable. They embrace new ideas, travel to difficult places, try new food, experience diversity of life and culture, and get easily bored doing the same thing for a long. These people take risks that bring success. But such success is not always guaranteed as failure can also befall them. I also know such people, and I consider myself one of them. They are often the trailblazer and inventors, builders and creators of new things and ideas. For instance, despite having a good job in a multinational company, one of my cousins started a boutique business. No one initially supported his move, but now he is so successful that many others cite him as an example of success.

In conclusion, being in the comfort zone, doing familiar things and taking minimal risks may guarantee comfort and stability in life but real success and great inventions and ideas come from taking risks and embracing challenges. I am always in favour of the second type of attitude that makes life worth living.

Sample Answer 2:
Some people always yearn for new experiences in life and are never afraid to try new things. Others, on the contrary,  are happy doing the same thing and living in the same place all through their life primarily because they do not like changes. This essay will discuss both these attitudes. Personally, I believe that people who embrace changes and dare to try new things live life to the fullest.

Many people are just happy doing the same thing over and over again and trying the things they are already familiar with. This approach involves fewer risks but often lacks big rewards and experience in life. Due to this mentality, many people are not interested in moving to a different city or trying a new career path despite their potential of doing something greater and bigger. Interestingly, many people who are afraid to take risks or try new things often claim to live a less complicated life.

On the contrary, people who try new things are often risk-takers and adventure seekers. They believe that life is a constant journey, and they often have an unquenchable thirst to visit as many places as they can, try as many dishes as they come across, take part in numerous adventurous activities and try different career paths in their life. Such people take risks in their personal and professional life. This is why they are either hugely successful or live a nomadic life. For instance, one of my university friends started travelling when all others were busy looking for a job. Due to this, he was struggling financially while others were stable in their jobs and earnings. However, after ten years of our graduation, this friend, who is also a famous travel blogger on YouTube and an investigative journalist, earns at least 10 times higher than any of us. This success is not always assured but comes to those who embrace non-traditional life and try new things.

To conclude, doing the same things and living in the same place come with little risk, but lack adventure and tremendous rewards. Contrary to this, taking challenges and embracing new things come with enormous risks but the rewards are also huge.

Sample Essay 3: 
Attempting new activities and breaking habits, such as visiting new places, pursuing a new hobby, and trying new types of food, can be a thrilling and enriching experience for some people while quite daunting for others who prefer to stick with similar activities and familiar choices. Both attitudes have their own benefits and demerits, and ultimately, it is a matter of personal preference. In this essay, I will be discussing both these attitudes, but personally, I prefer taking challenges and trying new things often.

Those who oppose changes often maintain familiar activities and choices. People with this attitude feel comfortable and secure in sticking to what they already do and know. They believe that sticking to the familiar can lead to a sense of predictability and stability in life. I can see where they are coming from because there is definitely comfort in the familiar. For example, someone who always eats the same food and never tries new dishes may miss out on new experiences and flavours but also does not regret trying something that is so peculiar that it leaves a bad feeling the whole day.

On the other hand, those who are not afraid of taking challenges and trying novel things can gain new experiences and enjoy rapid personal growth. They argue that experiencing new cultures, places, and foods, as well as pursuing new hobbies or tasks can broaden one's perspective and help one lead a more fulfilling life. I also have this mindset as I believe that trying new things can be an exciting and enriching experience. For example, I recently visited a new country for the first time and it was an amazing experience. I was able to learn about a new culture and try new foods that I had never had before. It was a truly enriching experience and I felt like I had grown as a person from it.

To conclude, trying new things can lead to new understandings and personal growth while maintaining the accustomed routine can lead to a sense of predictability and stability. Since I love challenges and trying new things, I think it is good to try something new and break our habits for future growth and a fulfilling life.

[Written by - Milton] 

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Jomz Zmoj
There are two types of people in the world when it comes to trying new things - those who embrace change and those who stick to the familiar. Both have advantages and demerits and this essay discusses both views. In my opinion, trying new things makes life more enjoyable and gives opportunity to develop as a person.

Those who enjoy trying new things are often seen as adventurous and spontaneous. They are curious about the world around them and are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone. They enjoy exploring new places, trying different types of food, and experiencing new cultures. This mindset can lead to exciting and memorable experiences, and it can also help people to grow and develop as individuals. For example, a person who is open to trying new things might travel to a foreign country and learn a new language or try a new sport and discover a hidden talent.

On the other hand, there are people who prefer to stick to what they know and avoid trying new things. For these individuals, comfort and familiarity are important, and they prefer to avoid any potential risks or uncertainties. This attitude can make life feel more predictable and less stressful, but it can also limit personal growth and prevent people from discovering new interests and passions. For example, someone who only eats familiar foods might miss out on the opportunity to try a new cuisine that they might love.

In my opinion, trying new things is an important part of life. Of course, it is understandable that some people prefer the comfort of the familiar, but I think that stepping outside of one's comfort zone is essential for personal growth and development. Trying new things can be scary, but it can also lead to new experiences, new friendships, and new opportunities. Furthermore, trying new things can help people to broaden their horizons, help gain a new perspective, and become more open-minded.

In conclusion, whether you are someone who loves trying new things or someone who prefers to stick to the familiar, both attitudes have their advantages and disadvantages. However, I believe that trying new things is an important part of life that can lead to personal growth, new experiences, and a more fulfilling life.

Lekhraj Thapa
I need help.
Indra KC
Write about the following topic:

Some people like to try new things, for example, places to visit and types of food. Other people prefer to keep doing things they are familiar with.

Discuss both these attitudes and give your own opinion.

There are many different reasons why people may choose to try new things or stick with what they are familiar with. Some people may enjoy the excitement and novelty of trying new things, such as visiting new places or trying different types of food while others deter from doing so. This essay outlines both attitudes. I think doing new things makes life more enjoyable and meaningful.

Individuals, who try new things and explore new opportunities, may thrive on the sense of adventure and discovery that comes with experiencing something new. Trying new things can be a great way to expand one's horizons, learn new things, and challenge oneself. However, it can also be risky and may involve stepping outside of one's comfort zone. For example, when someone migrates to a new country or start a new business, the outcome may be highly rewarding or challenging.

On the other hand, many people prefer to stick with what they are familiar with and may feel more comfortable doing so. These individuals may prefer the predictability and routine of doing things they are already familiar with, rather than taking the risk of trying something new. Sticking with what one is familiar with can provide a sense of stability and security, but it may also limit opportunities for growth and learning.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to try new things or stick with what one is familiar with is a personal one and will depend on an individual's personality, interests, and goals. Some people may enjoy a mix of both, trying new things occasionally but also incorporating familiar activities into their routine.

Sungyoung Shin
There are two main groups of people: those who prefer the familiar, staying in the same neighbourhood, eating the same types of food, and having a stable career with minimal risk-taking, and those who seek out risks and challenges and embrace new experiences. Personally, I align with the latter group, as I enjoy taking risks and embracing diversity through travel and trying new things.

Those who avoid challenges and rarely try new things often find comfort in their familiar lifestyle. They may fear the potential for dissatisfaction or difficulty that comes with change. As a result, they remain in their comfort zone for most of their life. It can lead to a limited level of success, as they may miss out on new opportunities for growth. It is not uncommon to see people around us who fit into this category, choosing to stay in their current job or avoiding trying new foods due to a fear of failure.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that change is constant and that embracing challenges is what makes life exciting and fulfilling. These individuals are open to new ideas, travel to unfamiliar places, try new foods, and experience diverse cultures. They may quickly become bored with doing the same things. While taking risks can lead to success, it is also possible to encounter failure. I know several people who fall into this category, including myself. These individuals are often innovators and creators, and they like to build and invent new things. For example, one of my cousins started a boutique business despite already having a secure job at a multinational company. Initially, he faced doubt from others, but he is now so successful that he is often cited as an example of risk-taking leading to success.

In conclusion, while staying in one's comfort zone and avoiding risks can provide stability and security, true success and innovation often come from embracing challenges and taking risks. I firmly believe in the latter approach to life, as it adds excitement and fulfilment.

Gurdev Singh
The content is pretty good.
Masud Abdullah
Some people like to try new things, for example, places to visit and types of food. Other people prefer to keep doing things they are familiar with.

Discuss both these attitudes and give your own opinion.

When I was a young boy, I once tried dark chocolate. But, after taking a bite of it, I had to spit it out of my mouth immediately because I just did not like the bitter taste of it. But, then, when I actually learned the health benefits of that dark thing later, I started eating it at least twice a week while also regretting, at the same time, the fact that I did not try them even earlier. Anyway, the moral of this story here is: we should never back away from trying new things once in a while so that we do not regret it later.

Of course, many people would disagree with me on this, and instead argue that staying in our comfort zone has very little or almost no risk. Proponents of such an argument could be right to some extent, but the danger of such an argument is that it would probably halt the progress of our world to such a point that we probably would never dare to try even the basic things to survive in a constantly changing world. In fact, if we had always preferred to stick with familiar things, the world probably would have never had the chance to unearth the secrets under the oceans or to unfold the mysteries high above in the sky.

But, on the other hand, trying new things, visiting a new place or trying some new foods, would open our minds and heart to new possibilities, cultures, customs and relations even if they might trouble us, initially. For example, if we visit a new place, and learn about its culture and customs, we would probably be able to learn a few new things from them and then use them to improve things in our own homes. Besides, having the urge to explore new things would also allow us to discover a part of ourselves, our skills and abilities, which were hidden from us before.

Based on the discussion above, we can conclude that if we want to enjoy living in this world to our full potential, it is definitely worth trying new things once in a while even if the possible end results might frighten us a little.

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