IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

IELTS Essay # 1221 - To be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets, and there is no need to go to the cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words. 

Model Answer 1: [Opinion: Not all movies can be enjoyed on small screens.]

Technology has revolutionised the way audiences watch movies these days. With the internet, smartphones and tablets, we can now watch movies anywhere and anytime. Some people believe that this is a substitute for going to the cinema. Personally, I think that movie theatres deliver an unparalleled experience as not all movies can be enjoyed on small screens.

On the one hand, the advent of smart devices has put the cinema business at stake as it has redefined how people can watch a movie. Recently, many people have begun relying on their smartphones to watch their favourite videos and movies at their convenience. For example, many mobile applications, such as Netflix, provide users access to millions of content at an affordable price, including those that are not shown in theatres. This has given people a good reason to enjoy movies with their family at home. It would be costly and inconvenient if people had to watch those movies in the cinema.

On the other hand, theatres give an unmatched experience that viewers can not get while watching movies on a small hand-held screen. For example, in movie theatres, films are projected on a large screen with a high-quality surrounding sound system and a comfortable seat, where spectators can enjoy the film to its fullest. In addition, many cinema providers have recently introduced new theatre concepts to cater to various customer segments and included a wide range of cuisines in their dine-in options. If cinemas cease to exist, movie lovers would be deprived of such an immersive experience. Moreover, watching movies in a theatre is more than enjoying a movie, it is a great way of socialising. To give an example, whenever I watch a movie with my friends, it is more enjoyable due to the social interaction and enjoyment it offers.

In conclusion, despite the convenience the smart devices provide for movie-watchers, I strongly believe that theatres still remain an important option, especially for movie-goers, who prefer experience over convenience.

[This essay was written by - Mohammed El Mogharbel] [Band score 7.5 level essay sample.]


Model Answer 2: [Opinion: Movie theatres offer a superior and unparalleled experience that small screens fail to offer.]

In today's digital age, the proliferation of smartphones and tablets has enabled us to access movies on the go. While some argue that this renders the movie theatres obsolete, others contend that the cinema hall's experience is unparalleled. In this essay, both perspectives will be explored. In my opinion, however, watching movies in the theatre is invariably superior.

On the one hand, watching films on mobile devices has numerous benefits. Firstly, it provides unprecedented convenience and flexibility. We can watch our favourite films anywhere and anytime, even while commuting to work or travelling. Secondly, it saves us money and time as we do not have to commute to the cinema, pay for tickets or snacks. Finally, it enables us to watch films in a personalised manner, without any external interference or distraction.

On the other hand, cinema enthusiasts argue that the movie theatre experience is unique and cannot be replicated on a small screen. Firstly, the large screen and surround sound system of the cinema offer an immersive and cinematic experience. Secondly, the social aspect of going to the cinema is lost when we watch films on our devices. It is a shared experience where we can discuss the film with our friends and family, and make it an outing. Finally, the anticipation and excitement of going to the cinema cannot be replicated, making it a memorable experience.

In my opinion, watching films on mobile devices has its benefits, but the movie theatre experience is always superior. The immersive experience, social aspect, and anticipation and excitement of going to the cinema make it an outstanding experience.

In conclusion, while the ability to watch films on mobile devices has made it more convenient and personalised, it cannot replace the unique experience of going to the cinema. Therefore, the cinema experience should be cherished and preserved as a treasured cultural institution.

Sample Answer 3: [Opinion: Hand-held digital devices provide a great movie-watching experience, and going to the cinema is no longer required]

In this era of technology, people can watch films on their hand-held digital devices like tablets and smartphones. While some argue that there is no longer a need to visit the cinema because of the convenience of digital devices, others contend that the experience of watching films in a cinema hall is unmatched. I believe that hand-held digital devices provide such a great experience that going to the cinema is not required, and that is why the trend of visiting cinemas is declining.

Those who claim that the experience of watching films in a cinema cannot be matched point out that the cinema offers a unique and immersive experience that cannot be replicated on a small digital screen. The cinema provides a large screen, high-quality sound, and a darkened environment that enhances the experience of watching a film. Moreover, the cinema provides a social experience that cannot be replicated when watching a film alone on a hand-held digital device.

On the contrary, those who argue that there is no need to go to the cinema, claim that smartphones, laptops and tablets provide many benefits, such as convenience, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness when it comes to enjoying movies or videos. With a simple tap or swipe, people can easily access a vast collection of films and watch them at any time and at any place. Moreover, watching films on a hand-held digital device is often more cost-effective than going to the cinema, especially considering the high cost of cinema tickets and snacks. For instance, a single cinema ticket is often equal to the monthly subscription fee of an online movie-watching platform.

I strongly believe that the comfort, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of hand-held digital devices provide a superior experience. Therefore, it is not necessary to go to the cinema, and that is why the trend of visiting cinemas is declining. 

In conclusion, cinema theatres may offer a unique social experience, but watching a film on a hand-held digital device will be more common in the coming future making theatres less prevalent in our life. 

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.35 (46 Votes)

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets, and there is no need to go to the cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Watching films has been ingrained in our culture. In the past, cinemas used to be fully booked all the time as it is considered as the most favourable way to enjoy films. However, times have changed and technology has altogether affected the way we live and our viewing preferences. This essay aims to discuss some of the reasons why some people prefer watching movies via the internet while others still go to the cinema. I fervently believe that although seeing films on the big screen can be considered as a holistic experience, our present lifestyle has influenced us to veer towards the convenience and volition of watching films wherever and whenever.

Cinemas have long existed in our communities. Several technological advancements have also been made to improve the cinematic experience of the audience. For instance, the visuals were improved by upgrading into high-definition lenses and the audio was amplified by the modern speakers. Moreover, more food selection and other promotions are also now made available to complement the viewing pleasure of people. Such improvements have elevated the experience of the movie enthusiasts thus becoming the fundamental reason why they still patronize and frequent these establishments. However, one could argue that going to the mall still requires more time, effort and money, factors that are unnegotiable to many.

In the present time, more and more people are boycotting the cinemas and would instead find solace in their devices. The fast pace of life in our generation has given more importance to convenience and savings rather than experience. Our society has now acclimated to reaching for our mobile phones whenever we want to be entertained. Another notable shift in interest of the people can be seen in the emergence of binge-watching. As binge-watching becomes a phenomenon, more people resort to the comfort of their electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, smart televisions and tablets, which in turn gave way to the creation of a new type of product for a lot of entertainment companies such as Netflix and Iflix.

To recapitulate, the pleasure brought by going to the cinema is outweighed by people's desire to have a more convenient viewing experience.

Essay Question:
Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets, and there is no need to go to the cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Extensive use of smartphones rendered cinema halls obsolete as we have access to all movies and videos available on our phones. Today everybody is using a smartphone in order to perform daily tasks. However, some people argue that movies can only be enjoyed at cinemas because of various benefits. So, here I am going to elaborate on both views as per my perspective. I personally see the advantages of both ways of enjoying movies and believe that it is a personal choice.

To begin with, mobile phones and tablets give access to everything that is available on the internet. Gone are the days when we needed to go out to watch movies in theatres, and these days, we can watch all the videos available online at any time and anywhere. Even in cinemas, we have limited movies available to watch, but on smartphones, we have access to all movies available all around the world. Sitting here in Canada, as an instance, we can watch all the movies getting released in India without any interruption on various platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Despite the above argument, cinema halls have their own way to fascinate customers. Today, all the movies are getting released in a movie theatre first than other online platforms. In addition, movie theatres provide a very large screen for a better view along with a perfect sound system. Moreover, many films are getting released in 3D graphics which can only be enjoyed at theatres. A movie series Harry Potter, for instance, has 3D effects that we can not enjoy on a smartphone. Thus, it is always preferable to see such movies in the theatre.

To conclude, we have a variety of platforms available to watch a movie. However, it is a personal choice whether to watch it on a phone or in theatre as both can be enjoyable.