Cue Card Sample

Important email you have received lately - Cue Card # 706

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe an important email that you have received lately.

You should say:

  • who sent you the email
  • when you received it
  • whether you were expecting it

and explain how important this email was to you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]


Model Answer 1:
Email or electronic mail is a fabulous gift of technology that has revolutionized the way we contact people. It has such a profound impact on our lives that if it no longer exists, our lives would be in a chaotic situation. I would like to thank you for this great topic, and here I will talk about an important email that I've recently received.

The email was from Malaysian Airlines and it reached my inbox at the beginning of last July, more specifically on 4th July. A few days before that, I travelled to Kuala Lumpur on an official trip and unfortunately, during my return flight, one of my luggage was lost at the (...mention the name of the airport in your country...) airport. I waited for more than 3 hours and talked to several airport officials as well as two persons from the aviation authority but my luggage was nowhere. I was so frustrated about the event that I sat at the corner of the airport for half an hour blaming myself for the incident though I knew that I had nothing to do about it.

The lost luggage, tragically, had some important documents and my laptop in it, including some gift items I had purchased for my family and a couple of colleagues.

After several attempts throughout the whole week from my side after the incident, I lost all hope and stopped contacting the airport authority. But on 4th July, almost two weeks later, I received an email from the airport authority that my luggage was found and I could go and claim my luggage any weekday during office hours.

It could have been just another email sitting innocently in my inbox, but it was not. It carried a piece of great news and I was utterly relieved to receive the email. It was one of the most important emails I have ever received because it was unexpected, literally came at a moment when I was least expecting it. The next morning I went to the airport and received my luggage which was exactly the way I checked in at the Malaysian airport and had everything I packed inside.

Sample Answer 2:
Not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but I like to check my email at least once every day, if not more. And the reason, I like to check my email regularly, is because I don’t really like to be considered as a careless or irresponsible person in case I ever miss an important email to respond to. Today, I would like to talk about one such email – an important email – which I received about a few weeks ago.

The email was sent to me by a very well-wisher of mine, who treats me like his own younger brother. By the way, I met this brother, who is significantly senior to me not by only age, but also by wisdom, knowledge and experience, almost 8 years ago at a job fair in my country. There, at the job fair, he provided me with a lot of tips and advice about how to apply for a job and how to face an interview.

Of course, I didn’t get any job offer from that job fair, but it certainly offered me the chance to build a brotherly relationship with a great person. But, then suddenly one day about 6 months ago, he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and he immediately had to go abroad for his treatment. There, he was receiving his chemotherapy except that I just didn’t know what his condition was. On the other hand, I didn’t want to contact him, thinking that it would probably bother him more than make him happy. So, I just kept praying for him while waiting for some sort of news about him. Then came that email to me which said that he was slowly recovering from his cancer.

Anyway, the email was very important to me, because it gave me the good news about a very significant person, who I have always considered as a mentor, in my life. It became even more important to me because it made sure that this senior brother of mine didn’t think of me negatively since I hadn’t contacted him over the past 6 months.


Model Answer 3:
Thank you for this opportunity to discuss an important email I recently received. We all know that emails have become a crucial means of communication in our modern world, and this particular email left a significant impact on me. Here, I will talk about it in detail.

The email was sent by my potential employer from a prestigious company, and I received it a few months ago on a fine Tuesday morning. As I was eagerly awaiting news about my job application, seeing the email notification in my inbox filled me with both excitement and nervousness.

Although I was anxiously awaiting a response from the company after completing several rounds of interviews, I was not entirely sure if this particular email would be the one with the final decision. However, given the timing and the progression of the hiring process, I had a feeling that it could be the awaited verdict.

The email turned out to be the official offer letter from the company, confirming my employment with them. It outlined the terms of my employment, including salary, benefits, and start date. This email was incredibly important to me as it marked the culmination of months of hard work, preparation, and anticipation. It not only validated my qualifications and skills but also provided me with a sense of security and excitement for the future.

So, receiving this email was a pivotal moment for me, signifying the beginning of a new chapter in my career journey. It underscored the significance of effective communication in professional settings and served as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving one's goals.

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I've erased my email.