Discussion Topic - Study

Discussion Topic - Study.

Part 1 - Introduction & Interview:

Q. 1. Where do you study?
Answer: I study business administration at one of the leading universities of my country as a postgraduate student in my final year, and, of course, I am loving studying at my university since the day I started.

Q. 2. Which part of the course do you enjoy most?
Answer: I have to study several courses to get my degree, but the part of my course, which I really enjoy the most, is the part where it asks me to do “case study” on some renowned and established companies. I enjoy it because it allows me to learn how a very ordinary company with a very humble beginning manages to reach the pinnacle of its business success.

Q. 3. What is your favourite subject?
Answer: My favourite subject is “Business Communication” which I have to study at my university as a core requirement for my degree. I find business communication to be a very interesting subject because it teaches me how to be an effective communicator not only in professional life but also in my personal life.

Q. 4. Is it a difficult subject to study?
Answer: Yes, it is indeed a difficult subject to study, but at the same time, it is also very interesting because it teaches me how to motivate people and manage very difficult issues as well as think critically in a demanding environment.

Part 3 - Details Discussion: 

Q. 1. Should parents help their children complete their homework? Why/ Why not?
Answer: I don’t think that parents should help their children complete their homework for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that such practice would prevent the children from trying their best in attempting to understand their study materials on their own and thus becoming overly dependent on their parents.

Secondly, most parents are, by no means, any professional teacher and therefore just may not be knowledgeable enough about their children’s homework or study materials.

Q. 2. Should university students be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study, or there should be a fixed syllabus? Why? / Why not?
Answer: University students shouldn’t be allowed to choose the subjects randomly, that they want to study, for two important reasons. First reason, of course, is that the students, no matter how talented or smart they are, just don’t have any prior knowledge of what subjects are critical or essential for professional and personal grooming.  Secondly, if the students are allowed to choose their own subjects at a university, it would be extremely difficult and challenging for the university authority to manage the overall university activities in an orderly fashion.

Q. 3. Many students prefer to take a year break after completing high school. Is it important?
Answer: Whether it is important or not depends largely on how the students really use such study break. If the students choose to use that study break in doing random and unnecessary things, which have no connection whatsoever with improving their lives and careers, it just may not be important. But, of course, it they try to recuperate from the “study-fatigue”, or utilise this break in learning something new and important, and plan for a better future, then such breaks may just prove out to be mighty important for the students.

Q. 4. Some people say that schools and universities should include more practical subjects than they have now. Do you support this idea?
Answer: Yes, I do support the idea which suggests that the schools and universities in principle should include more practical subjects than they already have now primarily because such efforts would prepare the students for more challenging and better career opportunities in a very competitive job market. After all, when the students receive practical working knowledge at schools and universities, they become very confident and positive about becoming more creative. Besides, many students learn more easily by actually doing “activities” as opposed to theoretical knowledge.

Q. 5. Pursuing a foreign degree has become highly popular in many countries. Why do you think that is?
Answer: The world today is way more interconnected with each other than ever before in terms of commerce, finance, economy and cultural reach, and therefore, it is only expected that the companies, corporations and hiring managers look for a “well-rounded” person to work for them. And, to become such a well-rounded person or professional, I don’t think there is any better alternative to studying abroad or pursuing a foreign degree that comes with some world class education, knowledge about new languages and cultures, and a greater understanding of the world.

Q. 6. What are some disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?
Answer: While there are some great advantages of studying in a foreign country, there are some disadvantages as well. To name a few of these major disadvantages, one would most likely feel like a complete “stranger”, “outsider” or lonely when studying in a foreign country. Then, there are, of course, language and cultural barriers as well which can easily make a student feel uncomfortable, and also probably fearful, when he or she is studying in a foreign country. Finally, there are some thorny issues of higher living costs and educational costs that a foreign student has to deal with.

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