Discussion Topic - Neighbours

Discussion Topic - Neighbours

Part 1: Introduction & Interview

Q. 1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?
Answer: Luckily, I know all the people, living next to me, well enough to talk to them and exchange “goodies” with them from time to time. I even invite them to my home in order to get together for some social gatherings.

Q. 2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: I see them at least a few times every other day when we go to do shopping at a nearby market because we all pretty much visit the same market. I even see them when I am going to work specially in the morning. Finally, whenever they invite me to their houses or visit our house on an occasion, we spend time together and discuss different topics.

Q. 3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours?
Answer: One of the major problems, which people have to face with their neighbours, is that when they (neighbours) make noises without any prior notice. Another problem, which is not uncommon, is that some neighbours don’t maintain enough hygiene or cleanliness around their houses. Personally, I have seen some neighbours dispute about the fence or pets that run wildly. Luckily, I have no such problems with my neighbours.

Q. 4. How do you think neighbours can help each other?
Answer: Neighbours can help each other in a number of ways, and it is often said by many that good neighbours are a blessing for us. For example, they can help us secure things like newspapers, letters and other important packages in our absence. They can also help us look after our houses when we are gone for some tours or some other emergency reasons. Finally and most importantly, over time they become friends and makes our lives even happier and more meaningful.

Q. 5. What qualities make us good neighbours to others?
Answer: Having a good neighbour is always a matter of blessing. In order for someone to be considered as a good neighbour, he has to be considerate, friendly and helpful. It also helps if a neighbour can handle “unpleasant situations” in a mature manner. Neighbours should also be helpful so that we can rely on them when we have some emergencies.


Part 3: Details Discussion

Q. 1. What type of relationship people usually have with their neighbours in your country?
Answer: People say that we can pick our friends, but we can’t pick our neighbours, and therefore, it is not exactly an easy task to describe the type of relationship people usually have with their neighbours in my country, or for that matter in any other country, in an “objective” manner. But, generally speaking, people in my country normally try to treat their neighbours with respect and sympathy most of the times by having regular communication with each other on different occasions. But, then again, they don’t hesitate to “turn” on each other either if they find that their neighbours aren’t doing enough to address their legitimate concerns like a “good” neighbour.

Q. 2. Are neighbours important in making our lives better? Why/why not?
Answer: Yes, neighbours are important in making our lives better because it is the neighbours, to who we turn first, during an emergency situation, whether it is for taking our sick children to a hospital or borrowing a cup of sugar to make some tea for some “important” guests. Besides, our neighbours may also provide us with some sense of “security” and “peace of mind” by looking after our houses and assets when we are away on some tours. Finally, our neighbours can make our lives better and happier by offering useful advice and other “material” assistance as they are usually the people who understand our situation better than others for living in close proximity to our homes.

Q. 3. What types of people are considered good neighbours? Why?
Answer: Different people have different kinds of preference for considering someone as “good” neighbours based on his/her expectation and circumstances, but usually friendly, courteous, dependable and patient neighbours, with a helpful attitude, are considered to be good neighbours by many because they are the ones who take care of their neighbours in the best possible manner. These types of neighbours are considered to be good neighbours also because they not only save their neighbours from “themselves” but also from other “hostile” forces outside of their neighbourhoods.

Q. 4. Has the relationship between neighbours changed in recent days? Why/Why not?
Answer: Yes, the relationship among neighbours has certainly changed, mostly for worse, in recent years primarily because people, in general, have grown more “self-centred” than ever before where they just don’t have the “mentality” to worry about others around them. Besides, the changes in work style, along with the changes in social, economic and cultural needs, have encouraged people to interact lesser and lesser as they don’t have to rely on others, be them friends, family members or neighbours, to survive. Finally, the advancement in technologies, such as the internet and satellite TV system, is also making it easy for people to “interact” with others without actually ever meeting with their neighbours most of the times.

Q. 5. It is often said that good neighbours are a blessing for us? Do you agree? Why/why not?
Answer: Yes, I do agree with the argument that good neighbours are a blessing for us mainly because without them, we would have to live with many unnecessary headaches, such as too much noise at wrong time, dirty or unhygienic atmosphere around the houses and hostile behaviour for no apparent reasons. Besides, without good neighbours, it would be very difficult to find a helping hand to fix our vehicles or move a fallen tree in front of our house due to a bad storm. Finally, without good neighbours, we would never feel fully “secured” with our families and assets in case if we were to be attacked by a “predator” or a “criminal”.

Q. 6. Do you think our relationship with our neighbours will be different in the future? How?
Answer: Yes, I do think that our relationship with our neighbours will be different in the future with more and more people preferring to maintain their “privacy”. Besides, since more and more people are “concentrating” in one area or locality in order to enjoy different kinds of “civic” facilities, they would probably be busier in sorting out their “conflict of interests” rather than actually “building” meaningful relationship with the people they live in a neighbourhood. Finally, because of many modern-day technologies like the internet, smartphone, computer and smart TV, a large number of people would choose to enjoy their times at home/indoors, and in a virtual world, instead of visiting a neighbour and exchanging pleasantries with them.

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