IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers

IELTS Speaking Test - Sample 73

IELTS Speaking Test # 73

Part 1 Topic: "Clothes".
Part 2 Topic: "Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money".
Part 3 Topic: "Money and young people" & "Money and society".

Part 1 - Introduction & Interview

[The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic: Clothes

Q. Where do you buy most of your clothes? [Why?]
Answer: I like to buy most of my clothes from the local shops in my home town mainly because the clothes there are more affordable in comparison to some fancy looking chain stores. Besides, I like to buy them from the local shops also because it would help our local economy.

Q. How often do you buy new clothes for yourself? [Why?]
Answer: To be honest, I don’t really like to buy new clothes that often, unless I have a very valid reason to do so mainly because it takes a rather long period of time for me to wear out my clothes. Besides, I believe in “conservation” of wealth, which prevents me from spending my money on things, I don’t really “need”. However, I love to buy new dresses for my family every now and then.

Q. How do you decide which clothes to buy? [Why?]
Answer: My decision on which clothes to buy pretty much depends on what time of the year I want to wear them. If I am planning to buy them for summer time, I would go for lightweight cotton clothes that are thin. On the other hand, if I want to wear them during the winter time, I would certainly buy warm and woollen clothes. Apart from that, I often buy a pair of jeans or a t-shirt, for example, because I really like them.

Q. Have the kinds of clothes you like changed in recent years? [Why?/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, I do think that the clothes, I liked to wear before, have changed a great deal in their styles and qualities primarily because people are demanding more and more stylish clothes for different occasions. However, when it comes to their qualities, I don’t think that clothes today are as good as they were in the past because clothing companies want to make more profits.


Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand you. Read it carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money.

You should say:

  • who you had the discussion with
  • why you discussed this topic
  • what the result of the discussion was

and explain why this discussion was interesting for you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Click here for the answer to this Cue Card Topic:

Part 3 - Two-way Discussion:

Discussion topics: Money and young people

Q. Why do some parents give their children money to spend each week?
Answer: Some parents give money to their children each week because they want their children to understand the money matter and its value from a young age so that they can manage their money intelligently when they become adults. They also give money to their children because they want their children to be able to meet some of their “emergency” needs when they are away from their parents. Finally, some parents are just very rich and loving, and they want their children to be able to buy “anything” they like and whenever they like it, and hence the “weekly allowance”.

Q. Do you agree that schools should teach children how to manage money?
Answer: Money is something that drives pretty much everything in this world. Therefore, I do agree with the suggestion that schools should teach children how to manage money, but only on a limited scale, whereby they only learn on which things money should be spent, and on which things it shouldn’t be. Otherwise, they will probably be too much interested in getting their “hands” on money, instead of worrying about their “education”, which may prove out to be very “detrimental” to the well-being of our society.

Q. Do you think it is a good idea for students to earn money while studying?
Answer: No, I don’t really think that it is a good idea for students to earn money while studying, unless it is absolutely necessary, because it may distract them from their studies and other school works. However, if such is the case, the chances are that great “talents’ are being wasted, and societies just can’t afford that kind of “waste”. Besides, if children manage to get their hands on money at an early age, then the chances are that they will also get involved with some criminal and anti-social activities, such as using “drugs” and violence, which may completely destroy their lives.

However, if they do some sort of part-time jobs to primarily learn some skills and gain some experience, I see no harms in it.


Discussion topics: Money and society

Q. Do you think it is true that in today’s society money cannot buy happiness?
Answer: In our society today, we don’t have any shortages of money or wealth (don’t mind, how unequally they are distributed among the people), but what we certainly have shortages of is the “desire to be happy” with whatever “little” we have. Therefore, it is indeed true that money can’t buy happiness in our society. Besides, if money could actually buy happiness, then a sick person, with tons of money, would never feel “sad” while lying on his or her bed. However, this doesn’t mean that we don’t need money because it surely can help us have a comfortable life, but still, “happiness” is just a state of mind, and so, we can choose to be happy whenever we like, with or without money.

Q. What disadvantages are there in a society where the gap between rich and poor is very large?
Answer: Many disadvantages persist in a society where the gap between rich and poor is very large. To begin with, when the gap between rich and poor is too big, a society feels some kind of economic pressure to bridge the gap, which may create some sort of “depression” in the long run. Another great disadvantage is that poor people are “forced” to get involved in some kinds of criminal and anti-social activities, such as “theft” and “robbery”, in order to provide for themselves and their families. As a result, society becomes restless with hatred, animosities and violence, arising out of a “tense” relationship between the poor and rich.

Q. Do you think richer countries have a responsibility to help poorer countries?
Answer: Yes, I do think that richer countries have a responsibility to help poorer countries for the greater good of our world as long as the acts help the poorer countries to stand on their own feet. Of course, it is also true that richer countries won’t be able to keep helping poorer countries, despite their best intentions, because it would then create huge economic pressure on their own countries. Therefore, it is absolutely important for the rich countries to make sure that the poorer countries are utilizing the help, provided by the richer countries, effectively and efficiently.

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