Cue Card Sample

Describe someone in your family - Cue Card # 1

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe someone in your family who you like/admire.

You should say:

  • how this person is related to you
  • what this person looks like
  • what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like/ admire this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]


Model Answer 1:
I am not really the kind of person who likes or admires people so easily even when they should be, and this is perhaps because, for a girl, I am a rather “free-spirited” person. But, when it comes to my elder sister, I can’t help admiring and liking her even on her worst days.

My sister is about 5 years older than me, and since my childhood, she is the person who looked after me in the absence of my parents.

She is perhaps the most beautiful (both inside and outside) girl that I have ever seen, and she has the kindest heart I can think of. She is 5 feet 10 and has a slender body and an amiable smile. It seems like with her gorgeous and genuine smile she can conquer the worst of her enemy!

She is an example of a perfect elder sister that anyone can expect. She is a caring, responsible and kind-hearted person. I can still vividly remember those days when she was there for me when I needed her the most. I can also remember those special times when my elder sister kept playing cartoon characters one after another until I actually chose the one which I decided to watch in the end. My elder sister and I loved baking a chocolate cake together, and this memory goes back to those days when I had just probably learned to write a full sentence and draw an elephant without any help.

I really like my sister mainly because she is a truly loving and patient person for her age. In fact, in my 25 years of life, I have never seen my elder sister get mad at me even though I have done plenty of things to annoy her. As an elder sister, she knew her role perfectly well in the absence of our parents. Finally, I admire my elder sister because of her sheer determination which made her study for a PhD degree at night after having a full-time job during the day time.


Model Answer 2:

Thank you for letting me talk about a family member whom I like a lot. I'm going to talk about my grandmother because I love her. She has been one of the most influential people in my life and has always been a source of inspiration for me.

How this person is related to you:
My grandmother is my maternal grandmother, and she has been a constant presence in my life since I was born. I have a deep bond with her, and she has always been there for me whenever I needed her.

What this person looks like:
My grandmother is in her late 70s now, but she still looks young and energetic. She has a kind and gentle face, and her smile can light up a room. She has beautiful silver hair that she always keeps neatly combed. Despite her age, she is always impeccably dressed, and her sense of style is impeccable.

What kind of person he/she is:
My grandmother is a very kind-hearted person, and she is always willing to help others in need. She has a lot of life experience and wisdom, and I always feel like I can learn a lot from her. She is also very independent and strong-willed, and she has faced many challenges in her life with grace and courage. She has always been a great role model for me, and I aspire to be like her in many ways.

And explain why you like/admire this person: 
I like and admire my grandmother for many reasons, but mostly for her resilience and strength of character. She has faced many difficulties in her life, including the loss of her husband and a child, but she has never given up or lost her sense of hope. She is also very wise and has a lot of life experience, which she is always happy to share with me. I feel very lucky to have her in my life, and I hope that I can be as kind, wise, and strong as she is when I grow older.


Sample Answer 3:
A person I love and admire is my “mother” because she is a fighter. You may ask why? To start, my mom got pregnant with me at the age of 18, and she did not have the support of my grandparents. Her own parents wanted to kick her out of the house when they found out. She convinced them to let her stay, but she could not ask them for any help when raising the baby. Knowing all this my mom still decided to have the baby - and that's baby is me.

How could I not adore her with my every breath? She is an angel who looks like an angel from heaven. She may seem a bit sad to others, but she is the epitome of perfection to me. Her loving voice and genuine smile make her unique.

Besides not having the support of her parents, she did not receive any help from my father either. Although my father cared about me, he never gave my mom money or clothes to help her maintain me as a baby. She had to provide for me on her own. Going to school and working was killing her, but she wanted me to have a good life, so she did anything that she could. My mom got pregnant again two years later, with the same man. The only difference was this time - it was worse! He abandoned her completely and her dad was sick. Now, not only did she have to provide for her two babies, but also for her parents. She was overwhelmed by everything happening; she didn't know what to do.

Finally, she decided to attend college and become a teacher to support the family. It was not an easy thing to do. After she finished college, it took her a while to find a job. It is not easy to find a job in Nicaragua. However, my mom never quits, no matter how hard things get for her she fought through it. To provide for her offspring and parents. I have never seen anyone so determined and caring, and she deserved to be admired and loved.

[Written by – Rafael]


Model Answer 4:
I have a nuclear family that has got five members in total including me. All of us love each other very much, and we share a strong bond and affection among us. It's quite hard to pick someone among them I like the most as I like and love all of them. Well, if I have to choose someone whom I really like, it would be my mother. I would like to thank you for this nice topic and for the time you have allowed me to talk about the person in my family I like and admire profoundly.

I love my mother from the deepest core of my heart. I revere my mother for her adorable behaviour on top of her smartness and loving nature. She is the person I can share everything with and that's the reason I adore her so much. She is perky, charismatic, optimistic and the ray of sunshine in my life.

She is simply gorgeous with a bright and charming skin colour and slim body. I wish I was half as beautiful as she is. 

Someone's relationship with his or her mother is divine. I can still remember a childhood day when I was late to return home due to a programme at the school I did not know about. After an hour or so, I noticed my mother at my school. I was horrified that my mother would be angry with me and she would punish me. But, when my mother saw me, she had a warm smile on her face. Then she hugged me passionately. At that very moment, I realised how much she loves me and cares for my safety and well-being.

To describe her more, I would say she is kind to all in a unique way and yet proactive and in control. She loves cooking, decorating homes with innovative ideas, helping others and reading. O. Henry is her favourite writer. She hates speed driving and liars, you know what I mean!

The reason I admire and like her so much is because she is caring and compassionate, and also possesses kindness and love for everyone. She is an ideal mother who raised three children and ensured their quality education and moral values. She has sacrificed a lot and had never complained about anything to us. She is the person who reminds me of the power of love and affection. How could not I love and admire her?


Sample Answer 5:
I have got six family members, and all of them are very dear and close to me. If I have to pick a family member I genuinely like and admire, I believe that would be my father. My father’s name is Alfred Brooke, and he is approximately 55 years old. He is the kind of person I would want my offspring to be. Thank you for the opportunity to let me talk about my father.

He did his graduation at a time when formal education was not most people’s first choice. They would rather start working than going to school. My father fought for his right to education with people who thought working or doing some sort of business was more advantageous than going to school. But my father believed that education shapes a man’s life and is a power that would guide him throughout life. He is very handsome in his mid-fifties, and I think he can be passed as young as 37-38 due to his great shape and black-jet hair. 

I still remember my childhood days when I used to wait in the evening for my father to return from his office. He would then play with me and help me complete my homework. I vividly remember the time when he took me to the market and bought me gifts. When I was an infant, he moved to a city from our village to ensure a better schooling facility for me. That was a decision that changed my life. He used to work in a Government organisation, and for his devotion to work and kindness, he is revered by all of his relatives, friends and neighbours. He is humble yet dynamic, charismatic, and very social.

He is a quiet and intelligent man who has a benevolent heart and that's something that makes him so admirable and likeable to me. He is still the pillar of our family, and all of our family members love and respect him very much.


Rounding-Off Questions:

Q. What are the values of family in your country?
 First of all, I believe that family values don't differ from country to country and please allow me to say that they should be the same throughout the world. As far as I’m concerned, the most important values of a family are the moral values, which enable people to love each other unconditionally and become good human beings. The lessons learned from the family are invaluable throughout our life. A family is the most important group that makes life worth living.

A family is utterly important, and we stand for our family members no matter what. Thus 'family comes first' is the morality everyone in our country believes in. We also consider a family as the unit of a society or a country and bonding, relationship, trustworthiness, helpfulness are lessons which come with the close family ties.

Q. How family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?

Answer: Our parents are the reason for our existence, and with them, we get a family. Parents are the persons we see and rely on when we open our eyes for the first time. Moreover, parents are the primary educator and they teach their children how to develop confidence, social skills, morals, values and views in life. Since they are the base of our family, closeness in a family leads people to have an intrinsically fulfilling and flourishing life.

This can be justified by the fact that children who enjoy strong family bonding tend to be happier and mentally healthier than those who are in a dysfunctional family environment.

Q. What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family?
That’s really an interesting question! A nuclear family is preferable to me than a joint family. The reason for my preference is perhaps because I grew up in a nuclear family, and it was a pleasant memory for me. Besides, in a nuclear family, the couple and their children have a stronger relationship. Fighting and quarrel are rare in nuclear families.


Tips for answering this Cue Card Topic:

You already know a lot about your family members and this cue card should be an easy one to answer. Just focus on the questions mentioned below the Cue card topic. The following questions may appear with this cue card and note the quick answers to these questions:

1. Who this person is: My mother / My father/ My brother/ My sister etc.

2. Your relationship with this family member/ How is this person related to you?:  She is my mother/ he is my father etc.

3. What you do together:  We walk out in the evening together/ cook together/ study together/ enjoy our conversations/ talk a lot about family issues etc.

4. What this person looks like:  He/she is handsome, beautiful, has a kind and gentle face, has a genuine smile and so on.

5. What is he/she is like / What kind of person he/she is:  He/ she is a kind, talented, energetic, dedicated, caring, and open-minded person. She is an honest person and helpful to others.

6. How long do you know him /her: From my childhood/ all of my life/ for more than 20 years etc.

7. How often do you see him/her: Every day/ once a month/ most of the time I stay at home/ every three months etc.

8. Why do you like him/ her or why do you admire him/ her?: She/he loves me unconditionally, is very close to me, very caring, has a good heart, is talented, helpful, my best mentor etc.

Note: Since grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, etc could be a part of a joint family, you can describe any of them if you live in a joint family.

While talking about 'what he/she is like' or 'what qualities he/she has' or even 'why you like/ admire him/her', you can use some of the following points:

     For father: He is honest, brave, talented, has a good heart, leads an ideal life, has sacrificed a lot to up-bring us, is an exemplary person, everybody respects him, is the best person I have ever known, loves me very much, hardworking, punctual etc.

     For mother: She is so caring, loving, hardworking and possesses a good heart, has done a lot to up-bring us, is very close to me, very understanding, one of my best friends of mine, knows a lot of things and has so many practical skills etc.

     For brother: He is so brave, talented, well mannered, knows a lot about different things, has always supported me no matter what, he is loved and liked by others, cooperative and we have many pleasant memories together, like a mentor to me, is my best buddy, taught me almost everything he knows, always protects me etc.

     For sister: She is caring, a good friend, loving, a good mentor, helps you with study or other tasks, supportive, a very good friend, talented and well-mannered.

Necessary vocabulary for this cue card: 

Relatives = Your family members are also your relatives.

Nuclear family = A nuclear family, also called an elementary family, is a type of family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children.

Extended family= An extended family extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives.

Sibling = Siblings are your brothers and sisters.

Relationship Synonyms = Tie, link, attachment.

Admire Synonyms: Adore, idolise, respect, revere, honour, held in high regard, think highly of, esteem. 

Memory Synonyms: Remembrance, thoughts, reminiscence, recollection, musing.

Phrases with meanings:

Bring up = Raise a child.
Look after = Take care of.
Rely on = Depend on.
Be close to = Having a strong bonding.
Get along with = Being close and friendly.
Admire = To respect and like someone.
A bubbly personality = A person who is very happy, lively, and often optimistic.
Charismatic = Someone with great charm and attraction, especially one who inspires others.

Vocabulary related to "Family":

Flesh and blood
Blood is thicker than water
Get along with
Rely on/ depend on
Raise/ bring up
To be close
Get together
Have things in common
Family trait
Run in the family
Close-knit family
Extended family
Nuclear family
To Raise
Foster family
Quality time
Juvenile delinquency
To play truant
Single parent
Family tree


If you prepare for this cue card/ candidate task card topic, you should be able to answer the following topics as well with very few changes:

1. Describe someone who cares about you a lot.
2. Describe a person whom you like very much.
3. Describe the person whom you admire most.
4. Describe a person you know for a long.
5. Describe a senior person whom you like a lot.
6. Describe a person who has a great influence on your life.
7. Describe someone who is very close to you.
8. Describe someone you like to spend time with.
9. Describe a person who is similar to you.


Part 3 - Details Discussion:

Discussion Topic: Family Similarities

Q. In what ways can people in a family be similar to each other?
A family can have many members, and yet some of them can be similar to each other in at least two aspects. One of these two aspects can be manifested in their looks and physical attributes. In other words, by looking at their physical attributes, one can rather easily identify them as members of particular parents or a particular family. They can also be similar to each other in the aspect of their behaviours, as in the way they talk, laugh or think. Besides, they can also be similar in the way they like or dislikes things.

Q. Do you think that daughters are always more similar to mothers than to male relatives? What about sons and fathers?
It is true that daughters often spend more time with their mothers and as a result can acquire some personality traits from their mothers, but that does not necessarily mean that they are more like their mothers than their fathers or brothers. The same can be said about sons who may seem like their father's clone, they in fact have many similarities with the female members of the family as well. I can say that so confidently because at least in my extended family, most daughters are more similar to their fathers than their mothers.  

Q. In terms of personality, are people more influenced by their family or by their friends? In what ways?
Answer: In my humble opinion, it can be really challenging to distinguish between the influence of friends and family on an individual like that, as this question asks. 

Talking about the influence of family, it does play a very important role in raising a person and instilling values in them. So, from that point of view, families probably play the most vital role in laying the foundation for an individual to grow up with a certain type of personality. On the other hand, people tend to learn a different set of behaviours and values in the company of their friends which they may often find rather useful in the real world. 

Q. How family values and bonding have changed over the last decade?
Unfortunately, the sacred notion of a family has lost its meaning to a certain extent in the last ten years. People don’t invest in feelings anymore and don’t retreat as well. Nowadays, quarrels between couples are a frequent occurrence, and because women are financially independent, they don’t step back like they did many years ago. Moreover, a principal cause that has led to this situation is the overreliance on the Internet. When family members have some spare time, they prefer to consume it by going online instead of having some family conversations. I would jump to the conclusion that people who decide to create a family should let go of their ego, and in difficult time, they should also think that their children want their parents to be happy and together.

Discussion Topic: Genetic Research

Q. Where can people in your country get information about genetic research?
In my country, people can get information about genetic research from various sources. One of the most common sources is the internet, where people can find a plethora of information on genetic research through search engines, scientific websites, and academic databases. In addition, people can also get information on genetic research from universities, research institutes, and hospitals that conduct research on genetic diseases.

Moreover, media outlets such as television, newspapers, and magazines regularly feature news and stories related to genetic research. Finally, people can also get information about genetic research from medical professionals, including genetic counselors and doctors, who have specialized knowledge on this topic.

Q. How do people in your country feel about genetic research?
 In general, people in my country have mixed feelings about genetic research. Some people are enthusiastic about it and believe that it has the potential to bring about significant advancements in medicine and healthcare. They see it as a way to cure genetic diseases and improve human health. On the other hand, some people are cautious about genetic research and are concerned about its potentially negative consequences, such as the possibility of creating "designer babies" or the misuse of genetic information. Overall, there is a growing awareness and interest in genetic research in my country, and people are becoming more informed about the subject.

Q. Should this research be funded by governments or private companies? Why?
Answer: There are different opinions on whether genetic research should be funded by governments or private companies. Some argue that government funding is necessary to ensure that research is conducted in the public interest and that it is not driven solely by profit. On the other hand, others argue that private companies are better equipped to fund research, as they have the resources and motivation to develop new products and treatments. Ultimately, I think a combination of government and private funding may be necessary to support genetic research, with a focus on ensuring that research is conducted ethically and in the public interest.

[Part 3 answers are written by Maria | the UK ]

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Sample answer 2 is the best response of all. It expresses the real love of a child towards the mother. The description is also the most satisfactory, can't think of a better one! Good luck author!!!
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This sample is really great. It helps me generate ideas for my own answers and give me hints on how I should answer a cue card topic. Thanks go to IELTS Mentor Team.
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I think this model answer is totally unrealistic and does not help at all. Clearly, it has been prepared with plenty of time to think about it and words were carefully chosen which will not happen in the real test. This can make students unmotivated as such answer is almost impossible to be achieved for non-native speakers.
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Tip 1: While describing a family member, be sure to describe some of his/her characteristics and the role he /she plays. Tip 2: Spell out the personality of the person you're describing. Be descriptive and analytical.Tip 3: It is a good idea to talk about that person's interests and hobbies, likes and dislikes.Tip 4: Never overstate the person with some adjectives. Keep it real and give examples.
Hargun Haturia
These answers should not be memorised, rather taken as examples to develop your own idea. Thanks, IELTS Mentor for providing us with the topics and sample answers. They are really helpful.
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My cue card topic in yesterday's exam was -Describe a place you have been to with your friends. where it waswhen you went therewhat you did therehow much you enjoyed this place.
Describe the person in your family who support you the most.
I am happy that God has bestowed me such a wonderful family. We share a strong bond and my mother is the guardian angel I love the most. She has done so much and she expects so little. God bless her.
This is a really helpful site. Thank you so much. :-)
Sam B
Hi, I like this website and it is quite valuable to me because it contains a lot of topics. In my experience, I am very afraid to talk with examiners, especially in English. So I must decide to talk to someone else in English without any hesitation. If anybody has a WhatsApp group, please add me to your group.
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