IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers

IELTS Speaking Sample 29

IELTS Speaking Mock Test # 29


IELTS Speaking Test - PART 1:  Introduction & Interview

Q.  What kinds of public transports are there where you live?
A. Various types of public transports are there in my city, but the popular ones are definitely buses and trains. Most commuters in my city like to take either buses or trains because they are cheap, and offer convenient commuting experience and safety.

Q.  Which type of public transport do you use the most? [Why?]
A. I often use a train to commute to different parts of my city. I take trains because they are less expensive, more comfortable and faster than buses. Moreover, they are almost always on time.

Q.  What problems are there with public transports where you live?
A. The public transport system in our city is usually better than that of many other cities in the world and we have plenty of buses and trains to take commuters to their destinations. However, buses are often late and it kills valuable times of the commuters. Moreover, not all people can get a seat on a bus or a train when they travel, especially during busy office hours. We also need reserved seats for senior citizens. 

Q. How would you improve the public transport system in your city?
A. I think we should have video cameras and other means of security system inside these public transports in order to prevent any kind of misconduct. I would also replace some of the old buses and add more new facilities for the commuters including free WiFi. If I get the chance, I will appoint more security guards in those public transpiration systems and make sure enough buses are on the road during the busy hours.


IELTS Speaking Test - PART 2: Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card


Describe a historical figure or a famous person you know about. 

You should say:

» who he/she is
» what makes him/her famous
» whether you like him/her or not

and briefly explain something about his/her life or work.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Click here for the answer to this Cue Card Topic


IELTS Speaking Test - PART 3: Details Discussion

Q. Who are the most influential people in your society?
A. Famous scientists, writers, sportsmen, politicians, business people, and actors are mainly the most influential personalities in our society. Apart from that, media personalities, teachers and army persons also have influence over people to some extent. One of the most influential persons in our country would be the current president who is very popular among citizens because of his humble and simple lifestyle. Besides, everyone knows that he is free from corruption and nepotism. He had been given an award by the international Time Magazine as one of the inspirational people in my country.

Q. Are there many heroes or role models today?
A. Yes, we still have many role models these days even though we like to believe that most politicians and influential people are corrupted or biased. Our role models always don't have to be politicians as we could follow many athletes, scientists, journalists and teachers as our role models. Even our parents could be our heroes and great role models.

I also do believe that we should be selective about our heroes as some famous persons have negative personality and we should not follow their lifestyle. For example, a famous singer could be a role model and hero for thousands of teenagers only if he or she leads an exemplary life.

Q. What, in your opinion, are the qualities of a good leader?
A. I think it is really important for a good leader to have integrity in his/her life and be honest, talented and brave. As he/she leads people, an institution or a company, he/she should lead by examples. For instance, when a boss wants all of his/her employees to come to work on time, he/she should never come late. He/she should also be open-minded and listen to the ideas of his/her team. With this kind of attitudes, many people would respect and admire the leader and obey him/her no matter what.


Q. It is said that heroes are born, not made. Do you agree? Why?/Why not?
A. No doubt, it is a widely believed notion but I would rather say that heroes are created, not born. A couple of reasons will help remove ambiguity on this topic.

Generally, people are born with some inherent qualities. These qualities may vary based on geographical locations and genetic features. But many qualities remain hidden unless they are nurtured properly and there are scopes to express and use them. To be a hero, someone needs to show that he/she is creative, can lead others, take risks and possess some exemplary qualities that others are afraid to express or do. Such a leader might risk his/her life as well. I believe that, unless there are chances to show such qualities, people will never consider that individual a hero. Great qualities are exposed on certain occasions. So, I cannot agree that heroes are born, rather they are made and situations play an important role to make ordinary individuals do great things.

Q. What qualities a leader must have to be loved by his fellowmen?
A. Well, being a leader who is truly admired by all is quite difficult unless that person has some great qualities. People usually seek "honesty" and "transparency" in a leader. So, if the leader wants to be loved and admired by his/her fellowmen, he/she has to be "fair" in all terms and by all means. Positive thoughts, humble behaviour and kind acts also play a crucial role for a leader to be followed. Effective communication and problem-solving skills are also required to be a favourite leader.

Q. How do you see a leader now and in the future?
A. Well, I do not believe that future leaders would be much different than they are now unless we have a totally different social system in the future. The core value of a good leader would always remain the same and people will expect honesty, innovation, integrity, selflessness and dedication among the future leaders as well. Hence, despite living in different times, true leaders would still be those with many admirable traits that are distinguishable and useful for someone to lead us.

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