IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers

IELTS Speaking Sample 20

IELTS Speaking Mock Test # 20

Part 1- Introduction & Interview:

Q. What kinds of food do you enjoy eating?
A. I mostly like to eat homemade food that includes rice, fish, bread, vegetables, curry, sweetmeats, noodles, salads and cheese. Among restaurant and street food, I love to eat pizza, sandwiches, hamburger, fish, fish taco, french fries, and of course, different types of ice-creams.

Q. What are some kinds of food you never eat? [Why?]
A. I have tried a few food items and dishes once or twice and then never tried them again since I did not like them at all. Food items that are on my "not-preferable-list" are bread rolls, banana pudding, kachumbari, chicken bog and steak and kidney pie. In fact, I did not like the taste of these items when I first tried them. Ever since those items are on my dislike list and I never order or prepare them.

Q. Do you generally prefer to eat at home or at a restaurant? [Why?]
A. I usually prefer homemade food. My mother is an excellent cook and I am concerned about the food quality of the dishes we eat outside. A modest meal in a quality restaurant is also very expensive in my city. For all these reasons I mostly prefer to eat home-made food. But this does not mean that I dislike enjoying a delicious dish in a restaurant once in a while with my family or friends.

Q. What are some reasons that people eat at restaurants?
A. A diverse menu choice, fondness of exotic food and access to ready-made food are the main reasons people eat at a restaurant. Eating at a restaurant offers a better environment, opportunity to meet people and to taste food that is not usually cooked at home. Many people also eat at a restaurant to celebrate different events and to meet friends and relatives there. Finally, some people do not like to waste time cooking at home and love to eat outside which they opine suits their daily work schedule.

Q. Describe a popular food in your country? Why do people like this food?
A. Soup is a very popular food item in my country. In fact, we have a rich tradition of preparing and serving a variety of soups to our guests. It is easy to find ingredients for soups, it takes less time to prepare it and we can bring a variety of aroma and taste in it, not to mention the health benefits of soups, and that's why it is so popular in my country. For us, a good meal is incomplete without some sort of soup item in it.


Part 2 - Cue Card/Candidate Task Card


Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember.

You should say:

  • what class the teacher taught you and how old you were
  • what subject he/she taught you
  • what this teacher’s special qualities were

and explain why still you remember this teacher.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Click here for the answer to this Cue Card Topic


Part 3 - Details Discussion:

Q. What kind of person, in your opinion, makes a good teacher?
Answer: First of all, a person who has a passion for teaching others would naturally become a good teacher. I believe it is applicable for any profession as "passion" is a great determining factor for someone's performance and progress in a job. Moreover, sound knowledge on topics, patience, rhetoric power, ability to convince and argue, interaction quality and good behaviours are some key points to become a good teacher as well. I have always thought and still think that a good teacher inspires pupils and set examples for them. Finally, a person with compassion and the ability to understand others’ psychology often excels as a good teacher.

Alternative Answer: "Teaching" certainly is one of the most difficult jobs today as it requires not only a broad knowledge of the subject matter, curriculum and their standards but also great enthusiasm and love for learning and teaching. Anyway, to become a good teacher, a person should be prepared and organized in order to provide a clearly-written out objectives for teaching. He or she should also be able to set a high expectation for all students and then engage them accordingly in order to get the best out of them. Finally, he or she not only have great relationships with the students but also communicate with their parents whenever the situation demands.

Q. Why some people choose to become teachers?
Answer: For some people, becoming a teacher is a dream and they like the idea of teaching young students so that they can learn and progress. For others, it is just a job and they are teachers because they have not been able to land in any other profession. Yet for some passionate people, teaching is a noble profession and they never leave this profession even they are offered jobs with better salary package and facilities. In many societies, people honour and respect those who are in the teaching profession and that is why many people choose to become teachers.

Alternative Answer: In my humble opinion, people choose to become teachers for several reasons. The first reason could be that they really love to engage themselves with other people on an intellectual level and thus being able to teach them about some life-changing lessons in the process. The second reason could be that some teachers in the past may really have influenced them to love the profession in order to make a difference in the lives of other people from their childhood. Finally, some people choose to become teachers also because they are probably really very passionate about a particular subject and the only way they can improve their learning is by teaching.

Q. Do you think the education process will change in the future? How?
Answer: Though the core value and objective of education, which is to enlighten people, will always remain the same, the process and system of education change over time. In the future technology would be greatly used to teach, learn and assess students in educational institutes and distance learning would be very popular among students. More subjects would be introduced and more technical and technological subjects would emerge. Practical experience in studies would be given more priority in the future without a doubt. Besides, the traditional classroom-based education would be replaced in some places with the computer and the internet-based education system and more students would pursue their education from foreign universities and colleges than they do now. 

Alternative Answer: In future, more and more students will be able to attend their lessons in different places at different times without necessarily being present in a traditional setting of class. Besides, many students would also have the opportunities to use and depend on different kinds of study tools according to their own learning capabilities. Finally, in future, education would be more case/project-based which would allow them to learn more of a practical set of skills and experience so that they are able to know what to do in a certain kind of job situation. 

Q. How does technology affect education?
Answer: Technology has already been adopted in many educational institutes as it makes the process of learning and teaching easier and more convenient. Technology will replace some traditional teaching methods and make online classes and online assessments more popular, I believe. Students can access a vast amount of information related to their subjects through the internet and can read e-books which help them learn and do better in their exams.

The required time to teach in a classroom or to conduct an exam has greatly been reduced and teachers now connect to their students via the internet. Online courses, online teaching, online registration and certification have changed the way people used to study in the past. In my opinion, technology offers huge flexibility and advancements in education and we have already started reaping these benefits.

Alternative Answer: Technology has significantly affected education in recent years. To start with, with the help of technology, most the teachers and student today are able to do their research works and have access to important data/information much easily and quickly no matter where they live. Besides, with the help of technology, both students and teachers are able to collaborate and co-operate among each other even if they live a world apart. Finally, technology has also made learning more efficient, personalized and fun with the help of different kinds of learning software and tools.

Q. Who do you think should be responsible for teaching manners and good behaviour to young children - parents or teachers? Why?
Answer: Well, this is an interesting question and for some specific reasons, I believe that family is the best place for a young child to learn good behaviours and manners. In fact, parents are responsible for teaching good manners and behaviours to their offspring. Before attending elementary schools, children spend most of their time with their parents at home. So, I think this is the best time for them to learn good manners. And the teachers are responsible to nurture the manners to be used perfectly in real-life situations. But if we rely on teachers alone, undoubtedly the young children will learn less than they are expected.

Alternative Answer: I honestly believe that both the parents and teachers should be responsible for teaching manners and good behaviours to young children primarily because both parties spend a significant amount of time with young children. While parents can’t really ignore what their children do and how they behave at homes because they are the children’s legal guardians, teachers are also responsible to make sure that their students are learning proper manner and behaviours because students do look upon the teachers for guidance. Finally, both teachers and parents should also communicate with each other because only then, the children will understand the importance and seriousness of learning proper behaviour.

Q. What modern techniques should teachers adopt to make the teaching more fun and intuitive, especially for children?
Answer: Ahhh… Everything is changing in this modern era and similarly, the traditional teaching method has lost its appeal to a great extent to students and to many teachers as well. Hence, educators should focus on some other aspects to make teaching more fun for children. Replacing the textbooks with multimedia slides may be an interesting way. Addition of graphical images or audio-visual representation of some topics or information may provide some better results in teaching. Adopting some recreational activities during class hours may also have some good results. This way young students will not feel bored and will become more interested in the classroom, I believe.

Alternative Answer: In order to make the teaching environment more fun and intuitive, teachers first should learn about all the interesting modern technological tools (like different kinds of “learning apps” and “computer software”) and integrate them smartly within the existing learning environment. Then, teachers should also allow the students to become flexible in discussing and collaborating with their fellow students so that the students feel encouraged to become “creative” without the help of their teachers. Finally, among other techniques, teachers should teach multiple subjects simultaneously so that students can actually dive deeper into learning different concepts and skills easily.

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Zahida Sultana
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