IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers

IELTS Speaking Sample 43

IELTS Speaking Mock Test # 43

Part 1 - Introduction & Interview

Q. What is your name?
A. Hi, my name is Natalia Svetlova. However, you can simply call me "Natalia" if it's okay with you.

Q. Do you work or study?
A. Currently, I am studying at a university for my Master's degree. Besides I am working as a part-time accountant. Hopefully, I will be awarded my Master's degree at the end of this year and then work as a full-time accountant.

Q. Is your profession popular in your country?
A.  Well, yes, my profession is very popular in Russia. As I've already said, I am working as a part-time accountant at a large company in Russia and I hope to work in this field in the future as a full-time executive. You can find many successful accountants in Russia and their jobs are highly appreciated in our society. This is a demanding and well-paid job in Russia as well.

Q. Do you find studying and working at the same time challenging? [Why/why not?]
A.  To be honest, it was quite tough at the beginning but over time, I have become pretty comfortable with my routine which involves both working and studying. I am sure a great number of students also work while they study, and they cope with this at a time. In the beginning, it was difficult because I had to attend my classes, prepare my assignments and get ready for exams while taking pressure at the work as well. I had barely 4-5 hours to sleep at night at that time, and things seemed really overwhelming sometimes. But as time progressed, I started getting comfortable with my tight schedule and I have convinced myself that I am doing it for my future. So things are not as tough as they used to be for me these days.

Q. What do you do besides your work and study?
A.  Well, I am pretty much occupied with my study and work, but that does not deter me from enjoying a fresh cup of coffee at a restaurant or going to a theatre to enjoy a movie or reading a novel on a weekend that my friends recommend me. I also like to hang out with my close friends, talk to my parents over the phone and run for at least an hour in a park located near my living place.

Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card


Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone.

You should say:

  • what it was
  • what you have done
  • why you chose this person to work with

and explain what you did to finish the project.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can take some notes to help you if you wish.]

Click here for the answer to this Cue Card Topic

Part 3 - Details Discussion

Q. 1. Do you think it is important to do something with another person?
A. Well, it depends on what we are trying to do. For example, if we are doing an individual assignment, it is necessary to do it on our own. If we have to do some group work, of course, it is essential to do it with another person or a group of other people. Generally, I believe that teamwork is an important skill and for that, we need to get involved in different activities with different people. I assume, in today’s highly competitive environment, it is essential to do something with other people so that we can learn to work in a team.

Q. 2. Is it important for children to have subjects in school that include working with other students?
A. Yes, it is highly necessary for students to have academic lessons and activities that involve teamwork and cooperation. We are living in a world where we have to deal with people every single day and should be ready to help others whenever possible. From this regard, we should teach young students to interact with other students as much as possible. Moreover, teamwork and group participation is a requirement at college, university and office and would be useful in every stage of our life. So I would like to suggest that children should be taught teamwork at an early stage in school so that they can apply this skill in the future and become successful.

Q. 3. What subjects, in your opinion, would bring young students together to work as a team?
A. It could be a foreign language learning course where children can talk to each other and have dialogues with teachers and other students. It could also be physical activity subjects where they will play and learn by having interactions with each other. Art, dance and acting subjects are interesting to young students and most of the time need teamwork than individual efforts. Finally, group assignment could be given almost in all subjects including literature, history, physics, chemistry and maths where young students would be required to work with others to finish their tasks.


Q. 4. How could business entities work together with schools or universities to help each other?
A. Business organisations, schools and universities can work together and help each other tremendously. First of all, helping schools and universities is a social responsibility for many business organisations. Besides, educational institutions can take their students to different companies and teach these young and inquisitive students how the real operation in a company is carried out, which can be motivating and important for many students. They can also invite successful executives from different companies to conduct some classes and that would be an interesting and effective way to teach and stimulate students. Since the business entities require to recruit talented and dedicated employees and universities can prepare and supply plenty of them, they can work together to bring out the best among students who would be a part of successful and large businesses in the future.

Q. 5. How can wealthy countries help poor countries?
A. I think rich nations can do a lot to help poor nations. First, wealthy nations can provide financial support so that poor countries can use them to ensure basic needs for their citizens. Secondly, such developed countries can also send skilled teams to poverty-stricken nations to teach them how to use their own resources to become self-reliant. In many cases, poor nations do not have enough skilled workers or technicians to explore and utilise their own resources. Training sessions and skill development courses conducted by rich nations could be a great help in this regard. Third and most importantly, wealthy nations can help develop some infrastructures and facilities for the poor nations and support them in research, healthcare, education and technological development.

Q. 6. How can nations work together to address climate change issues?
A. Climate change and its detrimental effects are not limited to a single country and do not differentiate wealthy or poor nations. So to address it, all nations should work together. First, world leaders should agree to work collectively and set a target and contribute accordingly. They should make a global team of policymakers and then they will create polity to curb the climate change issues. At that point, you may say, we already have it, but sadly, those are dictated by the wealthy nations only and participation of poor or developing nations are inadequate. It should be a global team, not a team consisting of a few countries only. When we have this team and policymakers, they will propose a policy and that would be accepted as a rule. All nations would be then forced to abide by it. I believe that we are responsible for the climate changes and we can make it right. For that, we have to work together as a global team.

[Written by - Natalia Svetlova]

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